Democrats, Bin Laden Express Dismay at US Success in Iraq

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 23,2007

RUSH: Here’s big news, ladies and gentlemen, and we had to go to a Swiss website to find this. It’s a Reuters story, but we had to go to a Swiss website to find it. ‘Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent since the end of June, when US forces completed their build-up of 30,000 extra troops. … While the leaders have failed to agree on key laws aimed at reconciling the country’s warring sects, the troop buildup has succeeded,’ has succeeded, ‘in quelling the violence.’ Ta-da! Reuters. They have no choice but than to admit it. We have to go to Switzerland to find this Reuters story, a success in quelling the violence. A companion story here, New York Times: ‘Bush’s Request for Wars Increases to $196 Billion — President George W. Bush asked Congress on Monday to approve $196 billion to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and other national security programs, setting the stage for a new confrontation with Democrats over the administration’s handling of Iraq.’ Now the Democrats are reacting with dismay and anger. They can’t believe they are having it rammed right down their throats, ladies and gentlemen. Just after we rammed Dingy Harry’s letter right back down his throat, the president comes at ’em with $196 billion. They can see they’re going to lose this again. Here is Dingy Harry on the Senate floor yesterday, a portion of his remarks.

DINGY HARRY: We’ve been fighting for America’s priorities while the president continues investing only in his failed war strategy and wants us to come up with another $200 billion and just sign off on it? Isn’t this getting to be a little old going on pretty soon we’ll be approaching the sixth year of this? President Bush should not expect Congress to rubber-stamp this latest supplemental request. We won’t do that, Mr. President. In the coming weeks we’ll hold it up for the light of day and fight for the change in strategy and redeployment of troops that’s long overdue.

RUSH: And they’re going to lose again. They’re going to want to lose. By the way, they’re going to want to get this off the table because this is not going to be the focal point of the 2008 presidential race, the Iraq war will not. I mean, let’s look at this. The Democrats on Capitol Hill, they failed last week to override Bush’s veto on the SCHIP program, and now they’re reacting with dismay and anger. They’ve offered 55 resolutions to get us out of Iraq. They have failed on every one. They’ve lost votes with most of the new introductions of new resolutions. If, indeed, they had the votes, if, indeed, the American People were all for this, then, of course, we’d be out of Iraq. But they’re not, and the Democrats are just flummoxed. They’re just frustrated as they can be.

Bin Laden, we had the flash announcement yesterday that he was going to release another audiotape from al-Jazeera and we wondered if it was going to have some more Democrat talking points in it. When I first heard the reports, the initial reports of Bin Laden’s tape, I thought, ‘There are not a whole lot of talking points in here,’ but actually there were some. They were disguised. You have to know how to read the stitches on a fastball, which I instinctively and habitually can do. They’re failing all over the place in there, the Iraqi insurgents, whatever you want to call ’em, and Bin Laden called for the Iraqi insurgents to unite. Let’s start with Sound Bite 11. Here’s a portion, this just runs six seconds. This is a portion of his rant.

BIN LADEN: The interests of a group, supersedes the interests of an individual.

RUSH: Yeah, now, this is where you have to know, ladies and gentlemen, how to read the stitches on a fastball. There were Democrat talking points in that statement. That’s not just a Democrat talking point, that is liberal philosophy. That is liberal ideology, and it has been expressed recently, three years ago, by Mrs. Clinton.

HILLARY: Time to reject the idea of an on-your-own society and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity.

RUSH: Okay, so let’s play these back-to-back, Mike, these are Sound Bites 11 and 12. First Bin Laden from his tape yesterday; Mrs. Clinton from 2004.

BIN LADEN: The interests of a group, supersedes the interests of an individual.

HILLARY: Time to reject the idea of an on-your-own society and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity.

RUSH: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, so there were, indeed, Democrat talking points in the Osama Bin Laden tape yesterday. Remember, the previous public relations by Osama was, ‘unite against the infidel.’ This is after Saddam fell. It was unite against the infidel, then to hell with the Shi’ites after the elections were held, and then kill the Sunnis collaborating with the new Iraq. Now he’s back to uniting. It’s just like the Democrat playbook. They have pages, but there are not very many and they just keep recycling them.