Rush’s Morning Update: The Template October 23, 2007 Oct 22, 2007Rush’s Morning Update: The TemplateOctober 23, 2007Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Understanding the New York Times Oct 22, 2007RUSH: Don in Renton, Washington, you’re next on the EIB Network, sir, hello. CALLER: Hey, Rush....
Strategerizing the Smear Letter Oct 22, 2007Reno, Nevada, this is Dale. You’re next. Welcome, sir. Nice to have you here.CALLER: Thank you,...
Harry Reid Smear Letter Postmortem Oct 22, 2007All right, Harry Reid and the smear letter: a postmortem. Try to imagine, if you will, the inner...
Strategerizing the Smear Letter Oct 22, 2007Reno, Nevada, this is Dale. You’re next. Welcome, sir. Nice to have you here.CALLER: Thank you,...
The Power of Limbaugh Oct 22, 2007RUSH: Phillip in Beaumont, Texas, hello, sir.CALLER: Pleasure to speak to you, Rush.RUSH: Thank...
Understanding the New York Times Oct 22, 2007RUSH: Don in Renton, Washington, you’re next on the EIB Network, sir, hello. CALLER: Hey, Rush....
Dems Move On to SCHIP Smear Oct 22, 2007RUSH: To the phones, Dorothy in northeastern Pennsylvania, been waiting a long time, I appreciate...
Clinton Rakes in Illegal Chinatown Donations, Drive-Bys Ignore Oct 22, 2007RUSH: Now, folks, I want to say just a little bit more about the ‘unfairness,’ the...
Harry Reid Smear Letter Postmortem Oct 22, 2007All right, Harry Reid and the smear letter: a postmortem. Try to imagine, if you will, the inner...
Rush at Patriots-Dolphins Game Oct 22, 2007I was in Miami yesterday. I was a guest to Wayne Huizenga for the Patriots and Dolphins in his box...
Where Are the Environmentalists Battling California Wildfires? Oct 22, 2007How about these fires out in Southern California — Malibu? This is just, well, it’s amazing,...
Dems Move On to SCHIP Smear Oct 22, 2007RUSH: To the phones, Dorothy in northeastern Pennsylvania, been waiting a long time, I appreciate...