President Bill Clinton on Patriotism

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 8,2007

RUSH: I want to read a quote to you from a speech, just a couple lines, a couple paragraphs. I want to ask you to think about, as you’re listening to this, who said this. ‘How dare you suggest that we, in the freest nation on earth, live in tyranny? How dare you call yourselves patriots and heroes? I say to you, all of you, there is nothing patriotic about hating your country or pretending that you can love your country but despise your government. There is nothing heroic about turning your back on America or ignoring your own responsibilities. If you want to preserve your own freedom, you must stand up for the freedom of others with whom you disagree, but you also must stand up for the rule of law. You cannot have one without other.’

Now, in this current climate, who is it that’s throwing around these charges of no patriotism? Harry Reid on the floor of the Senate, one week ago today, called me unpatriotic. You all know the story, trying to do everything they could to discredit me and shut me up all based on a smear and a lie. So when I read this quote to you, you might think that some Republican leader gave this speech about the anti-war left that’s doing everything they can to defeat the country, that’s redefining patriotism as hatred and dislike and disapproval of the country. But a Republican did not say these things. Who do you think said — (interruption) Mr. Snerdley, I can’t believe you. Yes, it was. It was Mr. Clinton. It was President Clinton in a graduation speech at Michigan State University, Spartan Stadium, East Lansing, Michigan at 1:30 in the afternoon on May the 5th of 1995. He was talking here about the Michigan militia. He tried to blame the Michigan militia, a whole bunch of people, for inciting such anti-government rhetoric that it inspired people like Timothy McVeigh to go out and blow up the Murrah building in Oklahoma City.

So now that you know it’s Clinton, let me read it to you again and ask you if today’s kook fringe lunatic left were to hear him say this, what their reaction would be. Actually, I don’t have to wonder because I also got a great piece in the stack here today from a writer, a blogger, actually, it’s Men’s News Daily. I forget the guy’s name. I’ll find it here in just a second. His point is that the real mind-numbed robots today are on the left; the people that don’t think; the people who are just spoon fed a bunch of lies and end up believing it. They live to be offended, and they are not thinkers. So if members of the kook-fringe left heard Bill Clinton say this, they would be convinced he was talking about us, would they not? But the reason I found this quote fascinating is because it could easily be aimed at his own party today, the people who are invested in the defeat of the US military in Iraq; the people who are intent on destroying the character of the four-star general leading the war; the people who accused him of being a liar before he opened his mouth; the people who ran that fraudulent ad in MoveOn.org in the New York Times.

These are the people out there that have come to dislike their country so much that they define patriotism as dislike of the country, disapproval of the country. They live in envy; they live to be offended. You want to have some fun today? Send an e-mail to somebody you know that is a lib and wish them a happy Columbus Day, and watch what you get back. You’ll get back, ‘What do you mean, happy Columbus Day? Racist, sexist murderer. He didn’t discover it. It was already inhabited, and he came and killed them and destroyed them and co-opted it and occupied it for his own.’ That’s what you’ll get back from today’s people who have been educated in the multicultural curricula that has been pouring through America’s high schools and colleges for years. American university today, Michael Barone says, and he’s right, is the most closed-minded institution in the country today. There is no curiosity; there is no openness; there is only suppression for something not along the party line. It’s a serious problem because it is creating people that don’t think and, therefore, are not open to anything they don’t believe.

As I put it frequently so well, when these people, who are just mind-numbed robots, who have their little belief systems based on the indoctrination they received, come across something logical that challenges their belief system, they get enraged and they get mad and they strike out and attack whoever is making them, as some sort of a bogeyman who must be dealt with, because they just can’t afford to be upset. They’re already upset as it is living in various states of depression, doom and gloom surrounds them, they want everybody else to be equally miserable along with them. Before we go to the break, listen to this Clinton quote again from 1995, the graduation address at Michigan State. ‘How dare you suggest that we in the freest nation on earth live in tyranny? How dare you call yourselves patriots and heroes?’ Now, right there, think about all the attacks the left has made about the warrantless wiretapping program, the Patriot Act, and they’re running around and they’ve got themselves convinced they live in a police state and that Bush is spying on them. When, frankly, most of you people on the left, Bush couldn’t care less about your boring lives. Details of your boring lives would not further his enjoyment of life at all.

These people, they want to matter so much, and they’re me, me, me. Everything has to be about them. So if they were to hear Clinton talk to them, ‘How dare you suggest that we, in the freest nation on earth, live in tyranny? How dare you call yourselves patriots and heroes? I say to you, all of you, the members of the class of 1995, there’s nothing patriotic about hating your country.’ Who hates the country today? Draw a line, put people on the left, put people on the right. Who hates the country today? It’s people on the left who hate the country today. Clinton is saying, ‘There’s nothing patriotic about hating your country or pretending that you can love your country but despise your government.’ Well, let me change this. How about pretending you can love your country but despise your military? ‘There’s nothing heroic about turning your back on America or ignoring your own responsibilities. If you want to preserve your own freedom, you must stand up for the freedom of others.’ The left, starting with the Senate majority leader Harry Reid, tried to shut down as much freedom of the people they disagree with as they can. By the way, when I said that this is not over, wait ’til you hear what’s going on in the House with all this. I’ll have details after the break. Just to finish the Clinton quote. ‘You must also stand up for the rule of law. You cannot have freedom without the rule of law.’