Rush’s Morning Update: What’s In A Word? September 26, 2007

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 25,2007

Rush’s Morning Update: What’s In A Word?
September 26, 2007

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A controversy has erupted on another college campus. Last week, the Rocky Mountain Collegian — a Colorado State University student newspaper– ran a four-word editorial. It said: “Taser this. [Eff] Bush.” Only it didn’t say “Eff.” It used the actual F-bomb word.

The paper’s editor-in-chief, J. David McSwane, a junior, explained that student editors ran the obscene editorial because they believe their fellow students are apathetic about their freedom of speech and other rights. “We thought the best way to illustrate that point was to use our freedoms,” he says.

The student journalists didn’t seek advice from the adult advisers assigned to the paper. The students wanted to insulate them from the fallout — which they expected and which wasn’t long in coming. The obscene editorial cost the Rocky Mountain Collegian at least thirty grand in lost advertising. The paper plans to make that up in a 10 percent pay cut to the young Drive-Bys in training.

J. David McSwane, meanwhile, says he has no plans to resign, despite mounting criticism — because resigning would “be an insult to the staff who supported the editorial.”

If you think McSwane is just another mindless skull full of mush — guess again. No matter what happens with this dinky school paper — this hate-filled, obscene, four-word editorial has given McSwane hero status in Drive-By media circles. He printed what they think, in four words. Not a bad resume enhancement when the Drive-By job recruiters come knocking because the military is not allowed to approach him.

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