
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Boy, it’s tough on my little cat. I was gone for, it must have been eight or nine days, and we left Hawaii and we flew over to Honolulu after golf this past Saturday. We went over to the University of Hawaii football game against Northern Colorado. June Jones, the head coach is just doing a fabulous rebuilding job of that program. He has a potential Heisman Trophy quarterback over there. This kid threw six touchdown passes, 416 yards in the first half. We were watching the game from the sideline. If you’ve never seen a professional or college football game from the sideline, you have no clue what a football game is really like, how brutal the sport is.

Anyway, we left at halftime, went back to the airport, and flew from Honolulu to Kansas City, dropped off some people, seven-and-a-half hours, and then another two-and-a-half on to Palm Beach. I got home and I guess I walked in about one o’clock Sunday afternoon and Punkin was sitting in there waiting for me and would not leave my side, no matter where I went. She was jumping up on my lap, jumping up on the back of my chair in the library, head-butting me in bed waking me up at three in the morning and so forth. I said, ‘This is so bad because I’m just going to be leaving the next day.’ I left yesterday afternoon about four o’clock to fly up to New York. So we’re going to be here all week, and leaving here on Friday, be back to Southern Command a week from today.

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