Skinny Lady on Fat Doctors

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 19,2007

RUSH: Here’s Renell in Ishpeming, Michigan. You’re next. I’m glad you were patient. Welcome to the program.



CALLER: Nice to speak with you.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: Well, you know, I’ve been listening for a long time, and I’m afraid I have to agree with the other women that called. I also like you very much. The reason I’m calling is, I had gone back to school. I’m going to kind of drag back into the middle of the program?

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: I went back to school after many years to get my nursing degree, and it’s amazing to me how many times you see the people that are out there –, the experts and the medical officials — that are telling you about, ‘Oh, this is bad and this causes obesity,’ and these people are amazingly overweight themselves. I’m thinking, ‘If this is like the miracle method, wouldn’t they be using it themselves?’

RUSH: Well, you have to understand here, Renell. There’s couple factors here. Number one — by the way, folks, she’s talking about, we had early on in the program a couple stories that experts are worried now that boy 2015, 75% of us will be overweight, and most of them obese. Then there was a companion story that said that kids are stigmatized when they’re young and overweight, and it lasts a lifetime, and I said, ‘Well, if both of these stories are true, then the kids are going to be fine in 2015 and beyond and everybody is going to be fat and they’ll be making fun of skinny people.’

CALLER: They’ll be the norm.

RUSH: That’s what Renell here is responding to. I have observed in my limited numbers of trips to various hospitals, as a patient, visitors, whatever, that we gotta cut some of these people some slack, because the patients that they have to roll around and push around, pick up and so forth, are themselves pretty large.

CALLER: That’s true.

RUSH: I would also say this. I understand you’re looking at this as maybe a sign of hypocrisy here, these people that are telling you what you have to do when they’re not doing it themselves.

CALLER: Well —

RUSH: It doesn’t mean they’re wrong in what they’re saying. It just means they may not be able to do it either.

CALLER: Well, the other point that I’m trying to get at, too, is people ask me — I’m totally uneducated, that’s why I’m going back to school — you know, how I’ve maintained my weight after, you know, 20 years of marriage and four kids and everything and, silly me, I always thought I eat everything in moderation and exercise occasionally, but I’ve been wrong all this time because ever since Algore came out with this carbon credit thing —

RUSH: Yeah?

CALLER: — I’m thinking, ‘I’ve never been a smoker my entire life. So I’ve unwittingly been using my nonsmoking as basically health credits.’

RUSH: (laughing)

CALLER: So when I go to the restaurant, I can have an adult beverage or a brownie, and all this time I never realized it: for every pack of cigarettes I didn’t smoke, it must be a health care credit,’ and I’m thinking, ‘Jeez, this is a whole new thing.’

RUSH: And it obviously has to have a genetic attachment here, because it was happening without your knowledge. Now, you just talked about having an adult beverage and brownie. Do you really eat in moderation?

CALLER: Yeah, I guess I do. I eat whatever I like, but —

RUSH: When you sit down to dinner, and let’s say (I’ve noticed women that do this) an appetizer, I don’t care, it could be one egg roll. A lot of women will have one bite of it and push away. That’s it. Then here comes a salad. They take five or six bites. Here comes the entrée. They eat half of that. Is that what you do?

CALLER: No, I have to say I eat until I’m full and I’m done. Although it was very hard to train my husband, who was raised in a large family, you know, and you clean your plate. So it took awhile to train him into the fact of when I’m done eating, I’m done eating.

RUSH: Yeah, but, you know, I don’t mean to confuse people here, but the brain sends a signal when you’re full.

CALLER: Mmm-hmm.

RUSH: Not the stomach.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: And sometimes it happens later, in some people than others, and sometimes it doesn’t matter. Sometimes people will just keep eating anyway for whatever reason. They like the taste of it or what have you. Your discipline is being able to recognize when you’re full and stop.

CALLER: Well, and I like to eat. I guess I’m a foodie, but when I’m full, I’m full. But I’m definitely a carnivore, too, though. I’m not a non-meat eater or a non-carb eater.

RUSH: Okay, it sounds like you’re just one of the lucky ones.

CALLER: Well, friends of mine go, and they have a salad, or they’ll eat rice cakes or whatever.

RUSH: Some people have to do that.

CALLER: I’m convinced that it’s the lettuce that’s putting on the weight.

RUSH: (Laughing.)

CALLER: You know, I adapt to the problem.

RUSH: I appreciated talking to you, Renell.

CALLER: Thanks for talking about to me.

RUSH: You bet. Have a great weekend.