Byron York Gets the Fairness Doctrine

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 19,2007

RUSH: I want to thank Byron York. I did a little interview with him a couple, three weeks ago for a story he was doing for National Review, the magazine, on the Fairness Doctrine. It turned out it’s the cover story. They don’t put their magazine cover story piece on the website. But he has written a shorter version of it with some things that I said to him that were not in the actual magazine piece, and he directed it to me last night in an e-mail. It’s at the National Review Online website. And he really, really gets it. I’ll tell you, it’s so unusual to talk to a journalist. I don’t do it anymore because they never get it right. The story is always written before they talk to you, and if you say things that don’t fit what their template is, it’s not going to show up there anyway. So it’s a rare event when you talk to a journalist and what you say gets in there. If they want to talk to me, fine, and when they talk to me and they hear what I say and they print it, that doesn’t happen much. Not in my case anyway, and it did here. So we will link to it at RushLimbaugh.com eventually, but if you want to go to the NRO site, it’s NRO.com, you will find it there.