El Rushbo Irritates RFK Jr.

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 10,2007

RUSH: People ask me all the time, ‘Rush, what’s the favorite part of your job?’

I say, ‘Well, it’s hard to say. I like it all. I love the prep. I love actually doing of the show, the execution and performance of the show.’ But the thing that I guess is the most fun is how I irritate these liberals and Democrats — and Republicans, too, in certain circumstances. I can’t describe the pleasure I get when I hear something like this, which was said by Robert Kennedy, Jr. at Giants Stadium during Live Earth on Saturday.

KENNEDY: I’m going to tell you this, that the next time you see John Stossel or Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity — these flat-earthers, these corporate toadies — lying to you, lying to the American public, and telling you that global warming doesn’t exist you send an e-mail to their advertisers and tell them you’re not going to buy their products anymore!

RUSH: Hey, Bob? It’s time for a new strategy. You guys have been doing that for 19 years. It hasn’t worked. It’s not going to work, because we get results. You don’t get away with calling America’s Truth Detector a liar. The liars — and they know it, folks — are on this global warming hoax side. They know they’re making it all up. They know that they are making a bunch of irrelevant data into something that’s relevant, when it isn’t. I love it. I love irritating them. I love getting these guys’ skin to crawl. He’s even more frustrated with politicians. Here’s something else he had to say.

KENNEDY: It is more important than buying compact fluorescent lightbulbs or than buying a fuel-efficient automobile. The most important thing you can do is to get involved in the political process —

RUSH: Wait a second! Stop the tape! Did I not tell you, this is all about politics? It’s not about saving the planet. It’s not about compact fluorescents. It’s not about all these things that they make you think. Actually, they’re not trying to make you ‘think;’ they’re trying to make you ‘feel.’ It’s about politics! It’s about advancing liberalism. Please, Mr. Kennedy, Jr., tell us more.

KENNEDY: — of all these rotten politicians that we have in Washington, DC, who are nothing more than corporate toadies for companies like Exxon and Southern Company, these villainous companies that consistently put their private financial interests ahead of American interests and ahead of the interests of all humanity. This is treason, and we need to start treating them now as traitors, and they have their — their slick public relations firms and their phony think tanks in Washington, DC, and their crooked scientists who are lying to the American people day after day after day, and we have a press that has completely let done American democracy.

RUSH: I tell you, that’s the most amazing thing. This guy has got more supportive press in the Drive-By Media than any political party has ever had and he’s rejecting it. He doesn’t understand it. But what you just heard there was pure, undiluted socialism, 100%. If you will notice, these companies ‘Exxon, and Southern Company, these villainous companies that consistently put their private financial interests ahead of American interests and ahead of interests of all of humanity.’ Yeah, that’s how a company survives, isn’t it? A company survives by destroying its customers, by destroying the environment in which it works, by destroying the customer base. The idea in a socialist world is that corporations are indeed the evil of humanity, the evil of society, that they are totally working against American interests — and, of course, nothing could be further from the truth in most cases. Yeah, of course we know what treason is to a liberal. Treason to a liberal is not supporting the enemy trying to kill us. Treason is not doing what you can to encourage the defeat of the United States militarily. No! Treason is not supporting liberals and their liberal policies, in this case global warming. So you just heard it. You just heard from horse’s mouth, a full-throated definition of socialism.


RUSH: John in Churchill, Tennessee. I’m gad you waited, sir. You’re next on the EIB Network.

CALLER: Mega dittos, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: What’s the chances of RFK, Jr., going through all of his grandfather’s trusts and doing all the divestiture of all those crummy capitalist companies that have been providing income to his family for the past few generations?

RUSH: You know, that is an excellent point. I had not thought of that ’til I saw your call up on the board here, because here little RFK on Live Earth on Saturday — I played the audio sound bites of this here in the first hour — basically calling American corporations treasonous because they are not supporting America, that they’re not supporting global warming, that they’re raping country. He named ExxonMobil and the Southern Company, and a couple of others, and that would be an excellent thing to do. Find out what’s in the Kennedy trust, all the investments in all these companies and so forth, and they own a bunch of things as well in addition to just having investments in them.

CALLER: It’s generations of income.

RUSH: Yeah, how many generations of Kennedy kids has the Kennedy trust supporting?

CALLER: Tell me, Rush.

RUSH: Well, I don’t know. I don’t have access to the Kennedy trust.

CALLER: It’s just like Bill and Hillary complaining about ExxonMobil and it turns up in their stock portfolio. Hypocrites.

RUSH: Exactly. Well, they all are. How about all the pharmaceutical stocks Bill and Hillary owned?

CALLER: Well, you know, they’re getting in on the rush before they all lose value. They’re selling short.

RUSH: Well, that’s speculation, now. I understand that. In a trust, though, they don’t have access to it. They don’t control the activity there.

CALLER: Whoever is running it for them knows what’s going on.

RUSH: Perhaps true. What you’re saying is if Hillary and Bill start trashing the drug industry, then somebody running their trust could go out and sell the stock short because they figure the Clintons are going to run the price down?

CALLER: What would be any slicker Willie than that?

RUSH: I’m amazed, sir, at your level of suspicion involving these two great Americans.

CALLER: Well, I know, but I’ve been around the block. You know, I was born at night but it wasn’t last night, Rush, and I’m from Chicago originally, so I understand how some of these Democrats work when it comes to dealing.

RUSH: I’m not sure, but I think one time the Kennedy family got the import duty on almost every bottle of scotch that was brought into it country.

CALLER: Legally and illegally.

RUSH: I know the old bootlegging days back from the patriarch of the family. That’s an excellent point. Excellent point. Robert Kennedy Jr. should divest some of the stuff in the trust, and he might have to rely on a few more donations to his public policy think tank.


RUSH: Here’s Janet. This is Smithfield, Utah. Hi, Janet, welcome to the EIB Network.

CALLER: Hi, it’s Janice.

RUSH: Janice.

CALLER: Yeah. Mega dittos, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you. Janice or Janet, what difference does it make?

CALLER: That’s right, as long as I get to talk to you, I’ll be male. I don’t care. As far as this rhetoric of Bobby Kennedy’s accusing everybody that disagrees with him of being treasonous. I thought dissent made you patriotic? I thought we’re patriots because we are dissenting?

RUSH: Let’s go back and play these sound bites, because people are still talking about this, and we played these at the top of the hour. Let’s play both of them, because people are reacting, and hang on out there, Janice, and we’ll talk about this after we listen to both of them. This is a Giants Stadium Saturday during Live Earth.

KENNEDY: I’m going to tell you this, that the next time you see John Stossel or Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity — these flat-earthers, these corporate toadies — lying to you, lying to the American public, and telling you that global warming doesn’t exist you send an e-mail to their advertisers and tell them you’re not going to buy their products anymore!

RUSH: Right, right. So here’s Robert Kennedy, Jr., all hopped up on the global warming Kool-Aid calling America’s Truth Detector a liar! That doesn’t fly, nor does his technique of sponsoring boycotts. His crowd’s been trying that for 19 years, and it hasn’t worked because our advertisers get results — and they also know that these campaigns are just five or six little malcontents trying to make themselves sound like millions. It doesn’t fly anymore. Here’s the second thing that he said that we culled from his raspy remarks.

KENNEDY: It is more important than buying compact fluorescent lightbulbs or than buying a fuel-efficient automobile. The most important thing you can do is to get involved in the political process and get rid of all these rotten politicians that we have in Washington, DC —

RUSH: All right, stop the tape there, because I’m going to make this observation just as I did in the first hour. I thought global warming was a ‘science’ issue. I thought it was all about science! I thought the science, the consensus was there. No, of course it’s not! It’s about politics; it’s about socialism, big government, liberalism, whatever — and Bobby Kennedy doesn’t like the fact he can’t control all these people and make them see the world the way he wants them to see it because they see through his hoax —

KENNEDY: — — who are nothing more than corporate toadies for companies like Exxon and Southern Company, these villainous companies that consistently put their private financial interests ahead of American interests and ahead of the interests of all humanity. This is treason, and we need to start treating them now as traitors, and they have their — their slick public relations firms and their phony think tanks in Washington, DC, and their crooked scientists who are lying to the American people day after day after day, and we have a press that has completely let done American democracy.

RUSH: Okay, so what you hear here is a full-fledged admission and definition of socialism. Companies are villainous — companies that his family trust is invested in that he’s living off of — and now anybody who dissents from the stated science, the consensus science on global warming, is a traitor. Remember, Mrs. Clinton, when her patriotism was challenged — or she thought it was because she was dissenting against the Iraq war — she started screaming bloody murder! We play that bite over and over again, where she tries to redefine patriotism as dissent and as disagreeing with the president. I’m glad you pointed this out, Janice, because liberalism is about thought control, mind control, and behavioral control, and if you don’t follow suit, if you don’t snap to, they’re going to come find a way to tar and feather you and do even worse if they ever could.

CALLER: Dissent is only patriotic if you’re liberal, I guess.

RUSH: Exactly right. It’s only patriotic if you are liberal when you are dissenting.

CALLER: I take umbrage with this Flat-Earth Society, as they keep calling these people who disagree with them. I think they’re The Chicken Little society.

RUSH: Well, that’s true. They’re worse than that. We sit here and laugh at them, and I think that’s an effective way of dealing with them. These people, you gotta understand when their objectives are. It is about control. It’s about managing outcomes, managing events. These are people, they don’t really like dissent. They don’t like alternative points of view. There aren’t any alternative points of view. They are that superiorist! They are not going to deal with anybody that doesn’t agree with them — and if those people that disagree with them happen to give them problems, provide real objectives, well, then it’s potentially dangerous, then they’ll try to shut you up in any way, shape, manner, or form.


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