Mrs. Clinton’s Finance Chair Indicted

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 6,2007

RUSH: ‘Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s former finance director,’ a guy named David Rosen, ‘has been indicted on charges of filing fictitious reports that misstated contributions for a Hollywood fund-raising gala for the senator, the Justice Department said Friday. The indictment, rare for a political campaign, was unsealed in Los Angeles charging David Rosen with four counts of filing false reports with the Federal Election Commission. The charges focus on an Aug. 12, 2000, dinner and concert supported by more than $1.1 million in ‘in-kind contributions’ — goods and services provided for free or below cost. The event was estimated to cost more than $1.2 million. The FBI previously said in court papers that it had evidence the former first lady’s campaign deliberately understated its fund-raising costs so it would have more money to spend on her campaign. While the event allegedly cost more than $1.2 million, the indictment said, Rosen reported contributions of about $400,000, knowing the figure to be false. The indictment charged that he provided some documents to an FEC compliance officer but withheld the true costs of the event and provided false documents to substantiate the lower figure.’

This is not news. We’ve known something like this was going to be coming. This guy has been public about this incident for quite a few years. The question here is that Mrs. Clinton once again has said throughout this whole case and story (paraphrased), ‘I didn’t know what David Rosen was doing. He’s my finance director, but I had no idea he was doing!’

Mrs. Clinton doesn’t know anything, folks. She knows nothing when there is any alleged wrongdoing going on. When all these people were using her as the conduit to pass the envelopes to her husband, suggesting pardons for this criminal and that criminal and so forth, she claims she had no idea it was in envelopes, not even envelopes from her brothers. One of them had received a pardon. She had no clue whatsoever. Rosen has been out there trying to say (paraphrased, ‘Hey, she knew about it, and she even instructed me to do this.’ So that’s the latest on this, but this headline: ‘Hillary Clinton’s Former Campaign Finance Director Indicted.’ Isn’t that what this pair would bring us again if they were reelected to the White House for another four-year term? They’d take us right back to the nineties and all of those scandals would be revisited and reoccur in different shape, manner and form. I forget what the Clintons called the decade of the eighties, but it caused me to refer to their decade of the nineties as The Decade of Fraud and Deceit, and if we want to have another at least four years of fraud and deceit, then the Clintons will be reelected.