Questions from Mr. Uriah for Mr. Rush

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 29,2007

RUSH: Uriah, in Jacksonville, North Carolina, you’re next, sir, on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Mr. Rush. It’s a pleasure and an honor to speak with you, sir. Mr. Rush, I got just couple questions that I had wanting to ask you. My first question is, really it’s a sports question pertaining to the Miami Dolphins. What do you think about the Dolphins taking John Beck over Brady Quinn in the draft, and I know that was about two months ago, but I just wanted to see what your opinion was about that.

RUSH: I’ll tell you what this means, and I know that the Dolphins caught all kinds of grief. They had this big draft party down there at their headquarters in Davie, which is a hop, skip, and trip down the Turnpike here. When Brady Quinn was still available, the Dolphins big problem is they haven’t had a quarterback. They’ve had Jay Fiedler. They’re had Joey Harrington. They have not had a quarterback that they could build a franchise around since Marino.


RUSH: When Brady Quinn, the Notre Dame quarterback was still available. They were all expecting that, and they didn’t even pick an offensive player with the choice, and Brady Quinn ended up going to Cleveland, and they were fit to be tied. ‘How could this happen! The one thing this franchise needs and they didn’t take it. Oh, has this new coach lost his mind?’ I’ll tell you something. There had to be a reason they didn’t take Brady Quinn. They’re not stupid. Now, they might have made a mistake, but their judgment has to be, ‘He’s not the answer.’ It has to be what it was.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Now, why they thought he’s not the answer, that’s a roll of the dice. He could end up be the greatest quarterback the Cleveland Browns have ever had (Well, one of the greatest), but the early word out of the Browns mini-camps is that he hasn’t distinguished himself yet. It’s mini-camps. They haven’t even got to training camp yet. So if I were Dolphins fan, I’d be puzzled by it. You always wonder whether your front office knows what the hell it’s doing.

CALLER: Yes, sir. Mr. Rush, I’ve got a second questioned and I’m not going to… Well, my second question is —

RUSH: What is it, Mr. Uriah?

CALLER: Yes, sir. I was wondering, me and my wife personally have paid off our debts, and are in position to purchase our first home. I wanted to know, what would it take to get a scholarship to the highly coveted and prestigious Limbaugh Institute for Conservative Studies.

RUSH: Well, there’s no scholarships necessary. All you need is a radio.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Okay. So what I was actually talking about —

RUSH: If you listen to the program every day, you are admitted through the giant front doors to the Limbaugh Institute, and here you are, and you have full access to all of the knowledge and all of the important items said and referred to on this program. So you don’t need a scholarship. It doesn’t cost you anything!

CALLER: Yes, sir. I was just curious about that. My third question, Mr. Rush…

RUSH: Wait a minute. You said you only had two, Mr. Uriah. You want a bonus question now? Okay, go ahead. What’s the third question?

CALLER: Yes, sir. And I apologize. I was just listening to Joe Biden and his comments on HIV in the black community, and one of the things which I really do hope Mr. Biden and a lot of people with the ideology believe that it’s basically education. As an African-American male, I can tell you that one of the issues is the fact that what’s prevalent in the black community, which needs to change, is the influence of rap music. Because as you look at rap music, you look at hip-hop music, the main driving force of that there is sex outside of marriage, which, of course, that’s how HIV and AIDS are contracted. I really believe that.

RUSH: I’m going to tell you, you know, Uriah, Mr. Uriah, I’m going to be very serious about this. There’s no question you have people out there who look — and several of them are prominent black sociologists who think rap music has been destructive and is not at all helpful. They say that it emphasizes the absolute worst in the culture and promotes the worst, not just that culture, but just behavior. Now, the ‘rap artists,’ quote, unquote, will tell you, ‘No, no, no! We’re simply reflecting our life experiences and we are essentially poets and we are telling you about our life.’ Whatever you think of rap music, hear me and hear me loud: If you want to talk about the destruction of the black family — and it’s a destruction that is undeniable: 56% of young black kids today live in single parent homes, and the vast majority of the single parents are mothers. Now, the reason for this is the welfare state crafted by the American left. It is crafted with the assumption that people are incapable and incompetent of fending for themselves. It is fashioned with the notion of creating as much dependence, codependence, of these people on government, as possible, because that’s what empowers liberals. So the destruction of the black family…

It wasn’t this way. You go back and talk to blacks who lived in Harlem in the fifties, family units were intact. They went to church every day. They had intellectual and sports competitions with white schools. This is before Brown vs. Board of Education. The black experience in this country is not what the Reverend Jackson and Reverend Sharpton may complain about it as being. It’s not always been that way. There are several middle class and upper class black families now who you also never hear about. They’re not promoted as role models. They’re not held up as something to be emulated because they don’t promote the civil rights prescriptions of getting where you want to go, which is affirmative action and make sure that you follow liberal prescriptions on things. But the welfare system, despite its ‘good intentions’ (and sometimes I even question whether they were existing, but despite its good intentions), they gave fathers — and not just the black community, either, but it’s really hit home there. It gave fathers everywhere an opportunity to skip out. They didn’t have to be home because the federal government was taking up the financial responsibilities of a father. That begot all these other things that you’re complaining about, like rap music, and so forth and so on. If they’re singing about their circumstance and condition, you gotta look at what caused that.