Rush Renews Offer to Katie Couric

by Rush Limbaugh - May 30,2007

RUSH: I note that the ratings for the CBS Evening News have now plummeted to an all-time low. The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric now at an all-time low, 5,960,000 viewers for the week of May 21st. I think because I’m a nice guy and I would like to help out here, I will renew my offer to sit for a live interview with Ms. Couric on the CBS Evening News to jump-start the ratings. I am ratings. They will happen. It has been established and proven countless times. The last time I made this offer, Bob Anderson, who’s a producer at 60 Minutes — and they’ve been trying to get me to sit for a segment there for a year — nice guy. He produced the first 60 Minutes profile of me many, many, many moons ago. Bob called, ‘Hey, I just heard your offer. We’ll have Katie do the piece for you on 60 Minutes and we’ll run highlights on the evening news.’ I said, ‘Nice try, Bob, but that isn’t how it’s going to work.’ This is a one-time offer. Now I’m reviving it, since the numbers continue to plummet. I’m not worried that she’ll accept this. It won’t happen, which is why I’m extending the invitation. But it has to be live. No tape. No editing, no nothing. And not even the whole show. I don’t care how long it is. Something has to jump-start the numbers of the CBS Evening News. It’s a crying shame what’s happened over there, and I’m here to help. I just wanted to once again extend the offer.