Big Government Seizes Pet Monkey

by Rush Limbaugh - May 25,2007

RUSH: This is from Rockville, Maryland. ‘Officials said they will not return the monkey who was seized from its owner in Montgomery County. The state issued Elyse Gazewitz a letter Monday, which said her monkey Armani would not be returned to her and would be housed at her expense. The letter said she has until Saturday to appeal to animal officials and until the May 31 to appeal to the District Court. ‘Anyone who owned an exotic animal prior to May 31, 2006, they’re allowed to continue with possession,’ said Montgomery County police animal control Capt. Harold Allan. ‘Anyone after that, when the law went into effect Oct. 1, is not allowed anymore to possess a wild animal.’ Gazewitz said she got Armani before May 31, 2006.’

Now, a woman’s monkey has been taken away from her. She has to continue to pay the state to house it. She can’t have it back. MSNBC ran this story and as a chryon underneath the story running it, the graphic said, ‘Illegal resident,’ meaning the monkey. Armani was the illegal resident. ‘Pet monkey, Armani, illegal resident under Maryland’s wildlife law.’ What was the story we just had the other week about the way we’re writing up these animals as though they are human. Anyway, let’s play the audio. This is the MSNBC info babe Chris Jansing talking to Elyse whose pet monkey was taken away from her. This is a montage retelling the ordeal. Keep in mind as you hear this, as MSNBC ran this, the graphic says, ‘Illegal resident.’ ‘Pet monkey, Armani, illegal resident under Maryland’s wildlife law.’

GAZEWITZ: I can’t eat, I can’t sleep because he sleeps with me. I had animal control at my door saying if I didn’t let them in they would arrest me, seize Armani and euthanize him. So I let them in. I showed them paperwork and they didn’t care. (Crying) My little teacup Maltese who is two pounds saw me in handcuffs and was watching Armani being taken away and he started barking and going crazy and Armani was screaming for me. They put him in a zoo. I’m not able to call. I’m not able to ask how he’s doing. I haven’t seen him. They didn’t even know his name when they took him. (crying) It’s been really hard because I’m trying to keep my baby alive. It’s very difficult when you love something so much and someone just comes into your house and takes him. He should be home with me. He didn’t do anything. He’s in a zoo, and Armani loves to learn. He’s learning his colors, and how to turn the TV on and off. Now he’s in zoo.

RUSH: This is outrageous! I cannot believe such insensitive feelings among the animal control people in the state of Maryland. They have caused this woman — you heard the stress. You heard the pain in her voice. I can just see the monkey screaming and crying as they took it away. The Maltese is barking. For those of you in Rio Linda, a Maltese is a dog. Beyond that, you don’t need to know anything else. This is gut wrenching, heart wrenching. How can this happen in the United States of America? How can you take away a pet monkey like this. I know the law is the law. This woman is devastated. You can hear it in her voice. Didn’t that pain you Mr. Snerdley to listen to this woman? This woman’s pet. I know. The privacy of her house, exactly right. And here come these animal control people. ‘You can’t have that.’ Take it away. Dawn just asked what she was doing sleeping with the monkey. Typical question that a woman would ask. She is sleeping with the monkey. People sleep with her pets. Doesn’t mean anything, Dawn. This has turned out what I wanted it to it be. I wanted this to be a loose fitting Open Line Friday and it has been.


RUSH: This is unbelievable. HR, where did you get this? He faxed out a letter to me from some woman. How did they get our fax number? Oh. Oh. Well, oh, that fax number. I thought it came to your personal fax.

‘Mr. Limbaugh, my husband just called me and told me you were bashing Elyse and Armani, the lady and her monkey. It is unfortunate that people like you open your mouth and say things you know nothing about. I myself have monkeys. I’ve had them for 10-12 years. They are part of our family. Let me try to enlighten you on the care and upbringing of monkeys.’

She goes on to describe what life with monkeys is like.

‘For you to say what you did about Elyse was wrong. You don’t know the whole story, I do. If you would like more information, you can contact me.’ Her name is Sheri. Sheri, you better talk to your husband and clear out his ears. It is just the exact opposite! My gut has been wrenching for this woman, Elyse after I saw the story. I listened to her in agony at having her pet taken out of the house going into Memorial Day weekend. Unbelievable. Wendy in Louisiana, you’re next on the EIB network. Hi.

CALLER: Yes, I just wanted to say thank you Rush for defending the woman in her crisis. I can’t have children of my own. I have pets, actually two Maltese. They sleep between my husband and myself. I can’t understand, I mean, I can’t even fathom —

RUSH: Well, it’s the law. The monkey is considered a wild animal and they got a law that if she had the animal before the grandfather — she claims she did, by the way. But, there is an unanswered question. Who fingered this woman and her monkey? Somebody had to call the animal control people. They’re not just scouring the neighborhood. The monkey lived inside.

CALLER: I’m sure the monkey was tiny and just stayed inside.

RUSH: It’s the cutest little thing you’ve ever seen. I’ve seen pick pictures of it. I appreciate you appreciating my sympathy.

CALLER: I thank you. Thank you so much for defending her because nobody ever does. Everyone thinks that I am crazy. I am insane and —

RUSH: That’s not because you have animals, trust me.

CALLER: Well, that is because I love them. I shaved one of my Maltese. They have long hair. I shaved her because I put dresses on her and people think I’m insane. They think that I spend too much time worrying about a trivial dog. Well, these are my family. These are my children. I’m sure that woman felt that way about her monkey.

RUSH: Well, she did. That’s exactly what she said. Look. I have to run here.

CALLER: Thank you.