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Rush’s Morning Update: Compromise
May 21, 2007

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It didn’t take long. The “compromise” immigration legislation worked out by the White House and a small group of Senators instantly attracted widespread opposition. Advocates for illegal immigrants protested the fines in the amnesty deal – and the new rules that would consider skills and education of new immigrants. Those trying to enter America legally objected to being skipped over in favor of those who broke the law. Across every political and social demarcation, Americans are objecting to various parts of the compromise.

But the lead Democrat negotiator for the deal, Senator Ted Kennedy, insists it oughta go forward despite the critics – because it represents a “last-gasp stand.” He says it’s a rare opportunity to “confront” the immigration problem head-on.

That, in a nutshell, is what’s wrong with Washington conventional wisdom. Politicians, the drive-by media, and academia have advanced the notion that “compromise” is the highest nobility. Which it isn’t. This compromise is being met with anger because – unlike other political deals – it isn’t hard to understand. Illegal behavior is being rewarded and encouraged – and the vast majority of Americans don’t like it.

Also wrong is the notion that political expediency is sacrosanct. In Washington, “a bad deal better than no deal,“ but people in everyday America – outside the corridors of compromise – want no part of it. And if by chance these politicians manage to push this “compromise” through – I promise you: there will be hell to pay!

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