No Terror War, Breck Girl?

by Rush Limbaugh - May 8,2007

RUSH: Remember John Edwards back in late April, John Edwards said there’s no terror war. He said there’s no such thing as a global war on terror. We’re going to have these incidents out there, but there’s no such thing as a global war on terror. Just to remind you of that, ‘Six men from New Jersey have been arrested in an alleged terror plot against soldiers at Fort Dix, according to law enforcement sources. Investigators said the men planned to use automatic rifles to enter Fort Dix and kill as many soldiers as they could at the New Jersey military base. Fort Dix was just one of several military and security locations allegedly scouted by this group, authorities said.’ The suspects are Albanian nationals, and the Duka brothers, Dritan Duka, Eljvir Duka, Shain Duka, are believed to be Islamic radicals. They’re in the United States illegally, while another one in this group is a US citizen born in Jordan. ‘The U.S. Attorney’s office has told NewsChannel 4 that one of the suspects was born in Turkey and four in the former Yugoslavia. Investigators said most of the suspects have spent several years in the United States. White House spokesman Tony Snow said Tuesday there is ‘no direct evidence’ that the men have ties to international terrorism.’ Oh, I guess not, they’re just Islamic fundamentalists, and they want to kill as many soldiers as possible. John Edwards says there is no war on terror. All of this, by the way, is going to come back to haunt them.