Rush for Peace Mug Arrives

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 9,2007

We got the peace mug today, folks. I finally got the sample Peace Mug that commemorates my nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. Here it is. Let me zoom in for those of you watching on the Dittocam, and, by the way, welcome to all of you watching on the Dittocam at RushLimbaugh.com. There it is. There’s one side of it. That’s the peace medal, by the way, that is the Nobel Peace Prize medal presuming that I have already won it. It says ‘Give Peace a Chance’ above the peace medal with my glorious picture, and here’s the EIB logo on the other side. You can see what it says there is ‘Peace Through Limbaugh.’ Now, the only thing wrong here that I want to change (it’s not really wrong), is I want to reverse sides. Most people are right-handers. Left-handed people, obviously, are the result of poor potty training in the formative years. There aren’t that many of them. But when you put the mug down like this if you’re right-handed, people will not see the commemorative coin side. They will not see this side. So I just want to reverse the two sides, and then we’ll be ready to go into production. This, of course, is a new premium for subscribers of Rush 24/7 and the Limbaugh Letter.