Folks, another little update here on our website. We’ve revised the look, the appearance. We’ve updated it, and just as a reminder. I told you this last week, but I want to remind you again: today marks the first edition of what we call the ‘Rush in a Hurry E-mail Show Notes.’ About an hour after each show, e-mail boxes across the fruited plain will snap to attention when the first Rush in a Hurry Show Notes arrive. These Show Notes will detail the highlights of today’s program. It’s free to anyone who signs up. So you’ll get this a long time before the website is updated to reflect daily content. All you have to do to sign up, is click the Rush in a Hurry red box.
It’s right in the middle of the right side of the website. Now, we have an extra incentive that I mentioned last week for this. We’re going to give away an 80-gig iPod a week for the next eight weeks, and each of these eight iPods are engraved with a perfect reproduction of my signature, and these are just going to be awarded to randomly selected recipients of the show notes. There’s no science to it. You can’t campaign. You can’t lobby. You can beg, but it won’t make any difference. Just go sign up for the Rush in a Hurry E-mail Show Notes, as I say, right there in a red box in the middle of the right side of the website, and it starts today — and who knows? You may be one of the lucky eight who receive an 80-gig iPod with a perfect reproduction of my signature engraved on the back.