Own The Truth!

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 23,2007

A Republican Congressman from Michigan– Tim Walberg– recently told an interviewer that many parts of Iraq aren’t any more dangerous than Detroit. Returning troops told him that 80 to 85 percent of the country is “reasonably under control,” Walberg said; that’s as “least as well as Detroit or Chicago or any of our other big cities.”

State Democratic Party chairman Mark Brewer said, “[That’s u]nconscionable!”He says Detroit bears no resemblance to Iraq and is demanding an apology out there. James Canning, spokesman for the hip-hop Mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick, said,”[That’s a]bsurd!”Canning complained that, “for years people have beat up on the city of Detroit. Detroit is the word for negative. We are working very hard to transform that image of our city.”

Now, lookMr. Brewer andMr. Canning:uh, there’s a reasonDetroit is “the word for negative,” and you can go back to your own mayor and his state-of-the-city speech. He begged residents to take responsibility for themselves and the conditions in Detroit(which is a good move) — and he pledged to hire 200 new cops to try to reduce crime.

The fact of the matter is this: You pick any citythat liberals have run for decades, andit’s going to be the same story. Mayhem. Crime. Corruption. Failing skrools. High taxes. Businesses and residents wondering whether they should stay — meanwhile, thepoliticians demand more federal handouts. If anybody should apologize, it’sYOU peoplerunning these cities and your policies that have crippled generations of your citizens and destroyed once-proud cities! Own the truth! Stop running from it!

(By the way, I would’ve said “Philadelphia” instead of “Detroit,” but that’s just me.)

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