Hardaway Learns Media Lesson

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 15,2007

RUSH: Tim Hardaway was on a radio show. Tim, I wish you’d called me before you had done this. He went on the radio with a sportswriter-turned-radio-talk-show-host. I guarantee you you’re not going on with a sportswriter or a sports radio guy, you’re going on with a left-wing social activist. Tim Hardaway, who’s retired from the Miami Heat… I think we’ve got the sound bite here someplace. Yeah, we do. It’s #14. Grab audio sound bite #14. I’d rather have him say it than paraphrase it. He was on with a host named Dan LeBatard, on a radio show in Miami yesterday, and he was asked at the end of the interview about this ex-NBA player who came out as gay, and this is what Hardaway said.
HARDAWAY: You know, I hate gay people. I let it be known. I don’t like gay people. I don’t like to be around gay people. First of all, I wouldn’t want them on my team. I think the majority of the players would ask for him to be traded or they would want to be traded. I’m homophobic. So, yeah, I don’t like it.
RUSH: Well, that’s the next candidate for rehab: Tim Hardaway. What is it that these people don’t understand about this now?