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RUSH: Folks, during my absence I understand that the two T-shirts — the Rush for Peace T-shirts that are in honor of my Nobel Peace Prize nomination — were produced and are now in stock at the EIB Store, in addition to the “Rush Babe on Board” signs, which we were able to get stocked in the store before I left. There are two shirts. One of them says “Rush for Peace” on the front with the Rush for Peace logo, “Give Peace a Chance” on the back. You can see these. We’ve got ’em graphically portrayed at the EIB Store at RushLimbaugh.com. Shirt #2 says: “Give Peace a Chance” on the front with the Rush for Peace logo and “Peace Through Limbaugh” on the back, and they’ve got the Nobel coin. They’re black T-shirts with very clever, and I’d say pretty, graphic portrayals of the Nobel coin and our logos and so forth. So this is to commemorate my nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize which, by the way, has been acknowledged by the Nobel Committee. Yes. Somebody got a hold of them, and they said the number of nominations this year for the Nobel Peace Prize are down over this time last year, but they did acknowledge receiving the nomination of me by the Landmark Legal Foundation.


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