RUSH: John in Atlanta, I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.
CALLER: Hey, Rush, how are you?
RUSH: Fine, thank you, sir.
CALLER: Good. I was just trying to make the point how the Clintons are the left’s Nixon in that you have the corruption and abuse of power and cover-ups that I don’t think we will have ever seen on any scale.
One of the techniques that Alinsky has advocated be used against people you need to destroy is ridicule, because there’s no response to it. When you get ridiculed and made fun of, that’s the toughest thing to have a response to because everybody’s laughing at you, and they’re ridiculing Obama. They’re ridiculing him in any number of ways, and you see how he’s responding. He’s responding, ‘We need to stop this kind of campaigning.’ In order to execute the strategeries and the policies of Saul Alinsky, you cannot have a soul, you cannot have a conscience, because your sole objective is to destroy people and ruin them. Nixon wasn’t about that, maybe some in the media, but Nixon was just paranoid. Nixon wanted to be loved by these people. The Clintons already are. They pulled that off. That’s not at all what this was about.