Barack Hussein Odumbo, Day Three

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 15,2006

RUSH: A little story here, just hot off the printer. It just came, was not on the original Stack of Stuff. It’s from the Chicago Sun-Times. “Senator Barack Obama is concerned about his personal security, telling the Chicago Sun-Times editorial board yesterday that he and his wife fear there is a potential for violence even if he does not run for president. ‘Being shot, obviously that is the least attractive option said Barack Obama.’ The Illinois Democrat told the Sun-Times he has concluded a 2008 White House bid would be viable, and he would have a pretty good chance of winning the nomination.” Now, why is he concerned about being shot? Perhaps this story might provide a clue. It’s a story from India, and it’s in the Australian Times, the Australian newspaper.
The headline: “Raging Bull Elephant Osama to be Shot Dead — An Indian state government has issued shoot-to-kill orders against a rampaging elephant named Osama bin Laden. The rogue bull elephant has killed at least a dozen people in the northeast Indian state of Assam in recent weeks, including three in a single day.” Now, what’s this got to do with Barack Obama? It’s the ears, folks! It’s the ears, and we had a public service announcement about that, by the way.
(The Ross Perot Exceptional Ear Institute Spoof.)
RUSH: The Big Ear Institute. Now, if you’re wondering what all this is all about, let’s go back to the archives. This past Sunday, New Hampshire, Barack Obama held a press conference, and after it was over, the cameras and microphones kept rolling, and Obama made a beeline to the audience to talk to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd and had this exchange with her.
OBAMA (off mic): You talked about my ears, and I just want to put you on notice: I’m very sensitive about — What I told them was, ”I was teased relentlessly when I was a kid about my big ears.’
DOWD (purring): We’re trying to toughen you up.
RUSH: I have a hearing problem, but doesn’t she sound like Helen Thomas in that bite? It’s Maureen Dowd; it’s not Helen Thomas. “We’re just trying to toughen you up.” Again to translate this for you, Obama charges into the audience, beeline for Maureen Dowd, “You talked about my ears, and I just want to put you on notice: I’m very sensitive about — What I told them was, ‘I was teased relentlessly when I was a kid about my big ears.'” Maureen Dowd: “We’re just trying to toughen you up.” So when there’s a rampaging elephant on the loose named Osama bin Laden in India, elephants have big ears, and Barack tells the Sun-Times he’s worried about being shot, maybe the two have a connection.

RUSH: This is Margaret in Leavenworth, Kansas. Nice to have you, Margaret.
CALLER: Oh, yes. Hello, Rush.
CALLER: I’m afraid that you have taken the bait on the Obama ear thing. The other day when I heard that, I said, “There’s no accident that this is all over the radio.” They want talk radio to take this and run and start teasing Obama about his ears, and every woman who has had a child is going to feel sorry for him. I think that this is going to be the next election’s biggest issue is how women are voting, just like it was during Clinton’s administration.
RUSH: Well, yeah, but in the primaries, anyway, you’re likely to have woman involved because you’re going to have Hillary there.
CALLER: I think when Tom DeLay paired Obama and Hillary, that is the pair, and they’re going to have the feminists with Hillary. They’re going to have the single moms with Obama. They’re going to have all the blacks. They’re going to have all the Muslims.
RUSH: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Why are single women going to be drawn to Barack? Is it the ears?
CALLER: Well, yeah, single mothers, not single women, single mothers.
RUSH: Single mothers. Okay, why are they —
CALLER: They don’t want you to make fun of their kid, and they’re going to — oh, he’s getting sympathy.