Bahar Thinks GOP Tried to Kill Johnson

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 15,2006

RUSH: It’s comical today, folks, to listen to the Drive-By Media worry and speculate about not the fate of Tim Johnson. Now they’re worried about the 82-year-old Daniel Akaka and Daniel In No Way, the two senators from Hawaii, both Democrats. Now we’re worried about the health of Sheets Byrd, 89 years old in West Virginia. They’re worried about this. This one-seat majority is very tenuous. They’re also worried that one of these Democrats might be cajoled into switching parties. As you know, those nasty, rascally Republicans, they’ll do anything to get their power back. Even the Democrat Underground, people are even speculating that the Republicans found a way to poison Tim Johnson just as they were behind the death of Paul Wellstone. It’s extended now to beyond the blogs.
Yesterday that blithering idiot Joy Behar actually raised the possibility — did the Republicans do something to him? Is there something they could have done? Do we have the bite? Let me look. Yes. Audio sound bites three and four. We’ll go to The View yesterday discussing Tim Johnson. Dari Alexander, one of the guest info babes on the program said, “The Democrats took over in November by 51-49 majority, and now if he has to resign it will make things 50-50 because the governor of that state’s a Republican and in charge of putting an interim –“
BEHAR: Is there such a thing as man made stroke? In other words, did someone do this to him? (Laughter.)
HASSELBACK: Why does everything coming from the liberal perspective have to be conspiracy?
RUSH: They’re applauding it!
BEHAR: I know what this party is capable of.
RUSH: The audience thought she was making a joke or maybe not. The audience of that — this is a different planet, and it has been on that show for a long, long time. But she raises the possibility, in other words, did someone do this to him? Then Elisabeth Hasselbeck said, “Why does everything coming from the liberal perspective have to be conspiracy?” “I know what that party is capable of.” Behar then got another question. “Well, the thing that’s sad about this is, it takes a political angle when a guy is critically ill.”
BEHAR: But there are millions and millions of people who depend upon this Congress, people in the world and people in this country. His illness is — is sad, but it’s not as important in the overall scheme.
RUSH: Now, here is a liberal. These are the people that are kind and patient and tolerant and compassionate and understanding, and she just admits she doesn’t give a rat’s rear end about Tim Johnson. No, what’s more important is her liberal wacko buddies maintaining control of the Senate. Remember, there’s another great story here in the stack, too. You know, the Congressional Black Caucus has lodged a complaint to Nancy Pelosi, there aren’t enough African-American staffers in Congress on the Democrat side. The Republicans have plenty of African-American staffers. They’re cool. It’s the Democrats. So all of these stereotypes about liberalism, “They are the tolerant ones and they’re not racists, they’re not bigots, they’re not homophobes. They are kind and understanding and tolerant, patient, and so forth, good people.” It’s, frankly, in most cases, it is just the opposite.