Terrorists, Enemies of America Applaud Election

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 9,2006

RUSH: Let’s take a look at some of the international reporting here on the elections. It’s interesting. This is from Reuters. The reporter is Crispian Balmer. The only thing you need to hear from this story. Quote ”There is less White House in America now and a little less America in the world,’ said Dominique Moisi, special councillor [sic] at the French Institute of International Relations.’ Good! ‘There is less White House in America now and a little less America in the world.’ There isn’t less America in the world yet, but part of me says, ‘Okay, France, you got all the answers? You solve the problems. We’ll deal with what we have to deal with here, and you solve ’em.’

Here is an AP writer in Baghdad, and we have a quote here from one of the aides to Muqtada al-Sadr known affectionately as Mookie here: ”The vote shows the Iraqi and American people are of one mind about withdrawing U.S. troops,’ said Falah Hassan Shanshal, who leads the parliamentary bloc of radical anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. ‘We hope the Democrats don’t forget their campaign promises. If they don’t, we will deal with them in a brotherly way once the last American soldier pulls out from Iraq.” (Laughing.) Mookie al-Sadr is the #1 target in Iraq, ladies and gentlemen. If we’d have wiped the guy out in Fallujah in the first six months of this war, it would have made a lot more sense. Again, here is what the guy says: ‘We hope the Democrats don’t forget their campaign promises.’ From a terrorist! ‘If they don’t, we will deal with them in a brotherly way once the last American soldier pulls out of Iraq.’

From Reuters: ‘Arabs Relish US Republican Election Losses.’ Well, that says a lot, doesn’t it? ”There will be a feeling that justice has been done partly, although not completely,’ said Mustafa al-Sayyid, a political scientist at Cairo University. ‘People are realistic. A victory in Congress doesn’t mean the administration will be forced to change its foreign policy. Moreover President Bush is known to be quite rigid. His approach is ideological and it is difficult to expect he will change.’ … ‘It’s something every Egyptian should see as excellent. We hope there’ll be no more attacks on Muslim countries,’ said Samer Kamel, a watch salesman in Cairo.

‘Some Arabs also see the U.S. as being too forceful over demands for international troops for Sudan’s war-ravaged Darfur region, where Bush has said genocide was taking place, a charge Khartoum denies.’ This is an AP headline from Madrid: ‘Democrats Win in US, Embraced Overseas — From Paris to Pakistan, politicians, analysts and ordinary citizens said they hoped the Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives would force President Bush to adopt a more conciliatory approach to global crises, and teach a president many see as a ‘cowboy’ a lesson in humility.’ Hugo Chavez: ‘Of course, the citizens of the United States are humans with a conscience. It‘s a reprisal vote against the war in Iraq, against the corruption’ within the Bush administration. All this fills us with optimism.’

‘In an extraordinary joint statement, more than 200 Socialist members of the European Parliament hailed the American election results as ‘the beginning of the end of a six-year nightmare for the world,’ and gloated that they left the Bush administration seriously weakened. One Frenchman, teacher Jean-Pierre Charpemtrat, 53, said it was about time US voters figured out what much of the rest of the world already knew. ‘Americans are realizing that you can‘t found the politics of a country on patriotic passion and reflexes,’ he said. ‘You can’t fool everybody all the time — and I think that‘s what Bush and his administration are learning today.”

‘Suleiman Hadad, a lawmaker in Syria, whose autocratic government has been shunned,’ by the US. ‘Most governments across our region had no official comment but some opponents of the US reacted harshly. ‘President Bush is no longer acceptable worldwide,’ said Suleiman Hadad, a lawmaker in Syria.’ Oh, and there’s this from Mexico, ladies and gentlemen: ”Gains by Democrats in the US congressional elections may help promote more liberal immigration policies sought by Mexico,’ said President Vicente Fox spokesman yesterday. Mexico’s been deeply disappointed by President Bush’s failure to convince his own Republicans to accept a guest worker program.’ Well, we don’t have to worry about that anymore. That’s going to be the first order of business, and the president said he’s looking forward to moving this amnesty program forward now with a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives. Well, that angered Mexico, this refusal to open up the borders and let anybody from that country in. Mexico says here it ‘has more faith in the Democrats in the United States on immigration.’


RUSH: Another international story from London on the election results: ‘America’s Rejection of President George W. Bush’s Iraq policy is a slap in the face for his allies, but it may give British premiere Tony Blair a chance to improve his standing at home by discussing exit options from Iraq.’ Man, the world is happy about this; our enemies are happy about this election. I told you that the early voting was first initiated by the terrorists, and Mookie al-Sadr in that previous story, his spokesman admits that terrorists, as undecided voters, finally decided to vote Democrat. They’re very happy with the outcome.

Labour parliamentarian Ian Gibson who campaigned against the war said: ‘It’s almost as if we’ve just been waiting for this result rather than pushing to change things in our own time at our own speed. Anybody who’s got a brain in his head will see what needs to happen and will be promoted by the Americans. We’ll get phone call once they’ve decided what to do and get the question.’ From whom will the call come? President Bush, Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha? I wouldn’t put it past these guys to start calling our allies without telling Bush. I mean, they did it before. John Kerry was out there doing this kind of thing.

Kerry, a good candidate. You know, he’s haughty as all these other guys are, and he can call ’em and say, ‘We’re working on this, and it won’t be long now, and I want you to know you can trust me to take care of this,’ and so forth. How many of you guys out there think that you are dull? (interruption) What? What are you laughing at? Oh, how do you say ‘Dear Comandante’ in Farsi? Well, that it’s ‘Dear Mookie.’ You don’t have to say ‘Dear Comandante,’ dear Muqi. Thanks for your support, we’re happy you’re as happy as we are, and we’re working on solving this problem. In fact, here, let’s go audio sound bite number seven. Nancy Pelosi, the new speaker of the House on Fox News Channel last night with Brit Hume, and he asked her, ‘Is it more important to win or leave Iraq?’

PELOSI: The point is, this isn’t a war to win, it’s a — a situation to be solved and you define winning any way you want, but you must solve the problem.

RUSH: You see how easy this is? You don’t even tell yourself it’s a war, you deny that it’s a war. It’s just a situation to be solved. And you define winning any way you want, like peace with honor or Vietnamization, in the case of the Vietnam War or Iraqi-ization, and you get out of there. You claim you won, and problem solved, and you move on to the next thing. It’s not a war! We’ve known this throughout the campaign that this is the attitude of the Democrats. Let’s see. She was on Katie Couric. Well, even though this was on Katie Couric’s news I’m going to go ahead and play it, having read the transcript here. Katie Couric says, ‘The highest ranking woman in the US government. What does that mean to you?’

PELOSI: It’s pretty exciting, I have to say. I’m just so excited that a Democrat will be speaker of the House.

COURIC: So you’re Democrat first, a woman second?

PELOSI: Well, in terms of politics, in terms of the change it will make for the American people, yes.

RUSH: See? I told you this, too. Liberals are liberals first. Democrats are Democrats first. She’s a liberal before she’s a woman. But again, I know, according to our research that we’re delving into on genetics here, which came first, Nancy Pelosi the woman or Nancy Pelosi the gene, the DNA, the liberal that became a woman? This is extensive research and there are people looking into it.


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