Justin Sells Out for Grade in Women’s Studies

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 15,2006

RUSH: Justin in Rochester, Michigan, I hope. Welcome to the program.
CALLER: Rush. I need absolution.
RUSH: Okay, for what?
CALLER: I have just finished my last day of my junior year in Oakland University here in Rochester Michigan, my women’s studies course, and I have sold my soul for the grade.
RUSH: Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
CALLER: Women’s studies. I said it.
RUSH: Women’s studies course?
CALLER: Yep. It’s a general education requirement at Oakland University here.
RUSH: How do you spell Oakley University, O-a-k-l-e-y or something like that?
CALLER: L-a-n-d.
RUSH: Oh, Oakland.
CALLER: Yeah, Oakland.
RUSH: Oakland, okay. No wonder I never heard of it. What is your major out there, Justin?
CALLER: I’m a Poli-Sci major.
RUSH: Is it a general education requirement because of your major or is it a general education requirement even if you’re going to major in, say, basket weaving?
CALLER: It satisfies the US diversity requirement at Oakland.
RUSH: All right.
CALLER: So everybody really has to take it.
RUSH: Okay, so I understand it, so you had to take the course.
CALLER: I did.
RUSH: It’s women’s studies. You got a 4.0 in it, but you had —
CALLER: And I sold my soul.
RUSH: Tell me how you sold your soul to get a 4.0 in women’s studies.

CALLER: I said everything from patriarchies, devils, men should be thrown out of Congress, we should have quotas for females in Congress because there’s not enough female representation in politics.
RUSH: You said all this, huh?
CALLER: I did. And, you know, I got the grade but I don’t know if I can live with myself anymore.
RUSH: You know, you’re the second student this semester who has called here asking for absolution after engaging in similar activities. I told the last guy, I said, “Well, this is perfect if you’re going to run for office someday.” What are your plans?
CALLER: I’ll tell you, I plan on going to law school and then, you know, hopefully one day run for office, but still, if these papers ever come out to the public I don’t think I could run on the Republican ticket.
RUSH: No. Oh, no, no, no, no. Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. Now, look, I understand the pressures of being in an institution of higher learning, and I know that you probably have grand plans and you need a GPA that you can be proud of, right, you want the highest GPA you can get because that’s your ticket.
RUSH: And of course women’s studies. I think you can get an A just for showing up once a week, much less submitting all the required work, but I think… I’m torn here. I mean, I love people that stand on principle, but in a classroom where you need a GPA with some cockamamie professor and a place to do it, and there are some students making names for themselves by doing this, by outing various teachers. In your case, if you’re worried about these papers that you’ve written ever going public, you have an opportunity to be honest, which is what is required. Be honest. “They made me take this. It was a waste of my time, it was a requirement for diversity. I wanted a high GPA and so I had to go in there and do what I had to do, and the fact that I could bamboozle this guy or this woman,” whoever was the professor, “to the point that I, Justin X, could go in and get a 4.0 proves how worthless the course is, because they didn’t teach me diddly-squat. I resisted at every turn, and yet they think they recruited me.”
CALLER: I’ll tell you, though, I — for one, we had to write three papers for the course, and one of them — my first paper —

RUSH: Hang on. Hold the thought. I may change my mind if you keep giving me details here.
RUSH: Justin, back to you in Rochester, Michigan. Justin, I must tell you during the break here, I’ve taken a pretty good beating myself from the staff because they think I’m going easy on you.
CALLER: Well, you know, I’ll tell you, like I was gonna say before the break: the very first paper I turned in for this professor, I told her what I felt. I told her what made sense, what anybody would really think, and I got a 3.0 on it. The last two papers I told her what she wanted to hear, and I got a 4.0.
RUSH: All right. Here’s some of the things the staff have been beating me up on because they think you’re not exhibiting manly traits by caving into these things. I just want you to hear this. You called here wanting absolution. The first question from Dawn — let me get this out of the way — she wants to know if you got any dates in this class.
CALLER: If I got any dates. Well, I’ve been trying to.
RUSH: Oh, come on. You gotta be kidding me. You’ve been trying to get dates from women going to women’s studies class?
CALLER: Well, no, one of my friends is in the class and I actually just met her this semester, and she feels the same way I do, so there’s not all feminazis in this class.
RUSH: All right, even trying, we’re going to applaud the effort here, EIB Network. The second question is this. Do you think maybe if you’d have stood your ground throughout the course, that you might have been able to educate and save some of the other classmates from the depths of despair that women’s studies will send them spiraling down towards?
CALLER: Absolutely not. See, the thing is, people, they’re insane. They don’t understand that what they say isn’t–
RUSH: Not until they hear it. Not until they hear it from a forcefully presented person with conviction, and then you could have saved them, if you’d have stood your ground you could have saved them. Now, I know you want a 4.0 throughout your whole college record, right?
RUSH: And so you need a 4.0 in this class.
CALLER: I did.
RUSH: You felt you had to do what you had to do in that case. But, as I say, some of my cohorts here are a little bit upset with you that you didn’t stand your ground, that you haven’t acted as a real man would in this case, that you have capitulated to the pressures of feminazi-ism —
CALLER: See, Rush, that’s the thing. If I would have stood my ground I would have gotten the lower grade —

RUSH: Okay, why do you feel guilty, then? You feel guilty. You feel guilty for a reason.
CALLER: I feel guilty just because I — first of all I wish I wouldn’t have taken the class. But, see, I still needed the grade. The overall plan for me is to transfer to the University of Michigan.
RUSH: You know, I wish I didn’t have to go into the Castle of Coke, either, but I had to do it. You can’t say you wish you didn’t have to take the class because it was a requirement.
CALLER: But the thing is, I need the grade. Like I said, I tried to stand my ground, and I tried to present reasonable arguments to this professor, but it just — she doesn’t listen. I mean, it just goes in one year and out the other. She respects me, quote, unquote, but she doesn’t understand what I’m saying.
RUSH: Well, you know, I admit I’m torn. My cohorts here in the staff want me to hammer you and I should point out to you that… Well, one thing. You know, you’re worried about getting a 4.0 throughout your college career.
RUSH: I flunked college, not just a class, I did flunk speech twice, and I need to every class. They should have called it outline 101. I didn’t have an outline, because I already had a pattern I developed for giving speeches. I gave every speech, showed up, didn’t outline them, F, didn’t complete course requirements. I had to take ballroom dance as a required PE course taught by a lesbian drill sergeant in the WACS. I said, “This is not for me.” I knew what I wanted to do, and this just wasn’t it. I never went to that class, and my mother took my car away from me and drove me to it one day, and I’m in college! I’m 19 years old, and my mother is driving me to school. I flunked college — and look at me.
CALLER: Well, I’ll tell you what, that — you know —
RUSH: I didn’t try to become a lesbian military dancer to succeed in ballroom dance.
CALLER: But I’m also trying to get into U of M law school and, you know, you need the grade for that.
RUSH: I understand.
CALLER: That’s my goal.
RUSH: I understand that. Well, you’re just going to have to live with this. In fact, I’ll tell you what, I’m going to cut you some slack. I’m going to suggest that — I know you had to do it in college, but you can’t do this in life.
CALLER: Oh, of course not.
RUSH: You can’t do it in life. If you really want to be all you can be and matter, and if you want to reach your full potential, you’re going to have to do it being who you are. If you start scamming people, if you start telling them and presenting yourself as something you’re not just to get on their good side, you’re going to be found out as a fraud at some point or another and you’re going to go nowhere.
CALLER: Of course.

RUSH: So don’t let this be a lesson to you. Don’t think this is how you can go through life.
CALLER: Okay. Well, as long as I get the grade, I guess.
RUSH: Yeah, you may have the same thing come up in your law school professor class. You know, you’re going to be getting in the paper chase, and don’t try scamming those guys. If you’re going to learn you’re going to have to tell people what you really think.
CALLER: Okay, well, we’ll see what happens.
RUSH: Yes, we will. We’re going to keep our eye on you, too.
RUSH: Snerdley, calm down in there. (Laughing.) Snerdley is really upset with you, I have to tell you, and he’s saying that you’re going to end up caving and doing whatever you have to do to earn money.
CALLER: I’ll tell you, I want to go to U of M law school, but I do want to run for office. I mean, I’m standing my ground here for —
RUSH: Well, then you did — gone on ten minutes longer, we — since you want to run for office, you did exactly the right thing.
CALLER: So, yeah —
RUSH: Going to run for office, especially to tell — you gotta represent yourself as all people, all things to all people.
RUSH: Yeah, and then you get into office and you change your mind after you get there and so forth, so — no, no. You shouldn’t feel guilty at all. You’re following, in fact, the correct career path, if that’s what you want to do is run for office. And as such your instincts are unassailable. Thanks for the call, Justin, Bruce in Lindstrom, Minnesota, you are next. Welcome to the EIB Network.
CALLER: Oh, man, Rush, I can’t believe I’m talking to you. This is amazing. I’ve been listening to you for well over ten years —
RUSH: Thank you, sir.
CALLER: — this is an honor and a privilege, sir.
RUSH: Thank you very much.
CALLER: The caller before you, in my opinion, he’s just a worthless human debris. My son is a freshman in college this year, and he went to one of those multiculturalism classes and he stood up and basically debated the whole class and professor throughout the whole semester, and when the class was over the professor gave him an A, he stood his ground, he held his ground, and he was very eloquent and he didn’t budge an inch. He really educated the class, and the professor thought that he was an upper classman and the professor was really surprised that he was a freshman. He’s a great fan of yours, huge conservative, and he’s got a Poli-Sci major as well.
RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: And I’m really proud of him.
RUSH: You ought to be. It sounds like you did a great job shaping him. I know he’s obviously a Rush baby but —
CALLER: Yes, he is.
RUSH: I’m sure when he was standing up in that classroom he was reciting things he learned from you.
CALLER: It was just to listen to him tell the story, you know, and to — I mean he’s got — and talk about trying to get girlfriends. I mean, there’s women —
RUSH: No, that was Dawn’s question. I didn’t ask about that.
CALLER: You know, he’s got a very nice girlfriend right now, and she respects him for what he believes in, and he stands up for it, he doesn’t waver and I’m really proud of him for that.
RUSH: Congratulations.
CALLER: I thank you for that, Rush.
RUSH: No, thank you. (laughing) Look it, this is you baby. You’re the on-site direct influence here. I’m swelling with pride for you. I can understand exactly how you feel. Congratulations.
RUSH: Mike in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.
CALLER: Yeah hi, Rush.
CALLER: Thanks a lot for taking my call. It’s an honor to talk to you.
RUSH: Thank you, sir.
CALLER: I just think the last caller, the college kid that sold himself out for a grade. I got so mad I had to call. I just have no pity for these people. I hear people call in like this from time to time — and, you know, today it’s a grade, tomorrow is the job, later it will be money. I just have no pity for this. I remember I was in college about 20 years ago, and I was in a medical ethics class, it was a graduate class, I was an art major, and I was in this class with nurses, and there were even a few doctors. I didn’t really know. I didn’t really know quite what I was talking about, but at the end of each class we would divide up into groups and we were given a true patient and we were acting as a medical ethics committee in a hospital and we were to decide whether or not to pull the plug.

Every single group in this class chose to kill the patient. My group was always divided and it was because I spoke up. I influenced people. And I wasn’t even very well educated at that time like I am now. But I just have no pity for these people. I just think it’s ready to sell. You know, there are people — we have soldiers and Americans — that are dying around the world for liberty and for our nation, and we have college graduates that are ready to sell themselves out, out of fear being called a name or just to get a good grade. I just have no pity for that, and I just don’t understand it, and it disgusts me. That’s not what we should be looking for in the next generation of Americans. We’re not going to change people’s minds by selling ourselves out for a grade, for a job, just to get popular. It just made me mad and I wanted to call.
RUSH: Well, you’ve done a great job of expressing it. I couldn’t agree with you more. I could not agree with you more. Absolutely. I have never told anybody this, and I’m not going to give details, but I just want to put a scary thought in your head. (By the way, Mike, thanks for the phone call. I appreciate it.) There have been two occasions where I have been approached over the course of my career to join the other side, the dark side. I have been. They don’t think it’s the “dark side;” Darth Vader didn’t approach, but it has been pointed out to me how I could own the country if I were a liberal. Oh, network television, Hollywood gigs, you know, things like this, constant media praise, this sort of thing, would be arranged — and I want to tell you: I was not once tempted.
Not one time was I tempted, and I’m not the first to whom such approaches have been made. It hasn’t been recent. They gave up on this long ago. That’s why they have full-fledged hate and so forth. But it has happened. You know, and I could — you’ve heard me, folks, you’ve gotten very mad at me. There have been days, not recently, where I did a whole half hour as a liberal, and I had people calling canceling their tickets to the Rush to Excellence Tour because they thought that I had sold out and so forth. Just to illustrate it could be done. I couldn’t pull it off for long, I don’t think. Well, I know I couldn’t. But I’m just (interruption). Yeah. (interruption). No, it’s because I don’t believe it. I’m not an actor, and that’s what that would have required.
RUSH: Just one other thought about Justin. He’s really taking it on the chin here. The caller with the political science major and the feminazi class, and he totally compromised his principles in order to get a 4.0, called here for absolution. There’s one thing, folks, you have to remember. He’s a guy; he’s in a class taught by a feminazi, and the one thing. Let’s all be honest. We all know that men lie to women. It’s part of nature, and he just may not have been able to help himself. Right, Dawn?


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