Still Clinging to 30s Soche Security Fearmongering

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 6,2004

Mr. Snerdley said, “You know, I can’t wait till you come up with a nickname for old Harry Reid just like we had Tom ‘Puff’ Daschle,” and I said, “Well, what comes to mind when you hear Harry? Dirty Harry, right?” and of course that’s already taken. Clint Eastwood already has that. I’m just throwing this out, there may be better ideas, but we could call him “Soiled Harry.” Soiled Harry Reid. Doesn’t appear old Harry is reaching across the aisle with that fickle handshake of bipartisanship, does it, folks? You know, old Harry, these people are just stuck in it. Soiled Harry is acting like he still runs the show in Washington, like the Democrats still run the show. Have you noticed that I always made fun of the way Gephardt pronounced Social Security? Gephardt always called it Soche Security. If you listen to Soiled Harry here, he calls it Soche Security as well. It’s something, I guess, that’s ingrained also in the Democratic playbook. They probably focus-group tested that. Soche Security sounds better than Social Security. But how many times have you heard anybody refer to Soche Security as “an old-age pension”?
My friends, old-age pension? That’s what you got when you were a United Auto Worker line employee. Old age pension? I mean, that’s old in itself. That’s an archaic term and it gives an indication of just where old Soiled Harry is. I love this. I just love it. I mean, you listen to this stuff, you know, you can remember the old days, it would just make you mad, and some people would be so worried that old soiled Harry’s words would be persuasive. But my gosh it’s a broken record out there and there aren’t even records. Do you realize it’s impossible, ladies and gentlemen, because there are no — I mean some of you may still have some of your old platters of wax. You may have some 33 rpm LPs. You may have some 45s. Some of you may be holding onto your old 78s, although I don’t know what you’d play ’em on. But the fact is it’s impossible to have a broken record these days unless you’re the Democrats. The Democrats are keeping alive old technology. I mean, a CD when it screws up, doesn’t sound like a broken record does. This is a broken record, and the Democrats are it as typified here by soiled Harry Reid, the new Senate minority leader in the Senate.

We got two more Soiled Harry bites and the second one here is more on how Bush wants to destroy Social Security. Russert says (cough). Folks, you have to forgive me here, I have a tickle in the throat. You ever have a throat tickle? I consumed non-adult beverage during the break. It works temporarily, but I’ll try to dial down the energy level here just a little bit hoping that that will correct some of the problem. Anyway, Russert says to soiled Harry, “Senator, there (laughing) are now 40 million people on Social Security. In the next 20 years there will be 80 million. Life expectancy used to be 65. It’s now approaching 80. If you have twice as many people on these programs for 15 years you’ve got to restructure them in some way, shape, or form. What is your solution? What is it your alternative?”

SOILED HARRY: All experts say that Soche Security beneficiaries will receive every penny of their benefits that they’re entitled, a hundred percent of them, until the year 2055. After that if we still do nothing, they’ll draw 80% of their benefits. I want those beneficiaries after the year 2055 to draw a hundred percent their benefits but this does not require dismantling the program. For heavens sakes they’re crying wolf a little too regularly here. There is not an emergency on Social Security. We can do this. The president should not try to jam this private accounts in an effort to destroy Social Security. In the early — when Social Security came before the Congress, who opposed it? The Republicans. And they have a long memory. They’ve been trying to destroy Social Security for a long time and now they think they have an opening to do it.
RUSH: I want to go back to this sound bite #9 we just played for you from Soiled Harry, the new Senate minority leader, because I didn’t get to analyze it because something in it reminded me of this conversation, and there’s more on the conversation I can tell you about after I play the bite, the thing in there that caused me to bounce off of it. But here again the question, Russert says: “Hey, look, the retirement age is staying the same. The number of retirees are going to double in the next 20 years; life expectancy is 80 now, not 65. Don’t you have to do something to fix this program, sir?”

REID: All experts say that Social Security beneficiaries will receive every penny of their benefits that they’re entitled to, a hundred percent of them, until the year 2055. After that if still do nothing, they’ll draw 80% of their benefits. I want those beneficiaries after the year 2055 to draw a hundred percent of their benefits but this does not require dismantling the program. For heavens’ sakes they’re crying wolf a little too regularly here. There is not an emergency on Social Security. We can do this. The president should not try to jam this private accounts in an effort to destroy Social Security. In the early — when — when Social Security came before the Congress, who opposed it? The Republicans. And they have a long memory. They’ve been trying to destroy Social Security for a long time and now they think they have an opening to do it.

RUSH: All right, Soiled Harry. I want a name, Soiled Harry. Give me a name, one Republican who’s tried to destroy Social Security. Give me one name of one Republican who opposed it and tried to stop it and has tried to kill it. This is what reminded me of the conversation I had at dinner on Friday night, because I had launched with a bunch of things, and I said to these three liberals, I said, “You know, you guys have been talking for 30 years. All my adult life about how Republicans are going to take Social Security away from people and yet you’re losing the senior citizen vote. You know why? Because you’ve been making this charge, you’ve been trying to scare these people half to death for 30 years and yet their checks keep coming and their checks get bigger. There’s nobody taking away their Social Security yet you guys keep mounting the charge. You keep making it and we’ll keep riding to victory because you’re mounting charges about things that are not true,” and here’s old Soiled Harry doing it yet again, ladies and gentlemen. It’s stunning to see how little they’ve learned. They have a new minority leader in the Senate, but they may as well have gone and gotten an FDR dinosaur.