Pathetic Kerry Refuses to Condemn Terrorists

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 7,2004

‘A moment later, the apparent Democrat nominee…’ I thought he won the primaries. What do they know at the New York Sun that we don’t know? ‘A moment later the apparent Democratic presidential nominee revised his remarks saying that the newspaper has been legitimate but that the Shi’ite cleric who runs it recently aligned himself with terrorists.’ Here’s the actual bite, this is on NPR, something called The Bob Edwards Show and the host is a guy named Bob Edwards. I guess that’s why they call it The Bob Edwards Show. What are you looking at me this way for? [talking to program observer] Yes, well, this is the only place Kerry will show up. He won’t show up anywhere but NPR.

By the way, folks, wait till you hear something else. We found out who he was being heckled by. We told you yesterday we were catching Kerry in Cincinnati and I told you the crowd was dull and maybe they got one kid falling asleep behind Bush down in Florida, this whole audience was zombied, it was the Stepford audience. And they were just sitting there, standing there like they didn’t even know where they were and all of a sudden Kerry starts getting heckled and it was a bunch of Republicans. And they were waving sandals, flip-flops around, and they were flapping them together, and wait till you hear what Kerry said to them and the way he said it. It’s just unbelievable. Somebody who’s been to Vietnam, somebody who’s been in politics for all these years to have the reaction that he had. No, it’s not an outrageous reaction, it’s an unbelievable one. All things in due course. First, here is the comment about legitimate and the newspaper of al-Sadr asked by Bob Edwards at NPR. Question: President Bush says that al-Sadr defiance cannot stand. What should the United States do?

KERRY: Well, it’s interesting to hear that when they shut the newspaper that belongs to a legitimate voice in Iraq, and let me change the term ‘legitimate.’ When they shut a newspaper that belongs to a voice, because he has clearly taken on a far more radical tone in recent days, and aligned himself with both Hamas and Hezbollah, which is a sort of terrorist alignment.

RUSH: Sort of?

KERRY: So he has his own set of needs in order to deal with the possible, you know, future spread of terrorism.

RUSH: My friends, this is an embarrassment. I mean I love it, don’t get me wrong, it’s funny, but can you just hear the Democrats listening to this and saying, not saying, asking this is or nominee? President Bush says — I want you to listen — gimme this recued. You’ve got to listen to the pause after the question, then listen to the way it starts. ‘Well, uh, it’s interesting to hear that they shut the newspaper…’ I mean, the first thing that comes to his mind, we have American men and women in uniform in battle with a major terrorist insurgency, and all John Kerry, the first thing his mind goes to is the Bush administration somehow denying civil rights to the terrorists. When asked a question, ‘President Bush says al-Sadr defiance can’t stand, what should the U.S. do?’ And he doesn’t have a military answer even though he went to Vietnam, didn’t he? He served Vietnam. Didn’t John Kerry serve in Vietnam? Somebody help me out here, I’m having a mental… he was in Vietnam, he did? We think, folks, we’re not sure, we’re going to double-check, we think Senator Kerry served in Vietnam. But his mind doesn’t even go to the root of the question. He’s in total ‘I’ve got to find a way to criticize Bush’ mode. Listen to this answer again.

KERRY: Well, it’s interesting to hear that when they shut the newspaper that belongs to a legitimate voice in Iraq —

RUSH: Stop the tape! The newspaper that he just said is legitimate is the newspaper that’s published by this al-Sadr guy. And there’s got to be somebody standing next to him when he does these interviews, because somebody jabbed him in the ribs or something, because next he said…

KERRY: Well, let me change the term ‘legitimate.’ When they shut a newspaper that belongs to a voice, because he has clearly taken on a far more radical tone in recent days and aligned himself with both Hamas and Hezbollah, which is a sort of terrorist alignment. So it creates its own set of needs in order to deal with the possible, you know, future spread of terrorism.

RUSH: He’s wandering aimlessly in search of a thought. Possible, you know, future spread of terrorism. All right, he’s talking about al-Sadr here. Well, let me change the term ‘legitimate.’ When they shut a newspaper that belongs to a voice, because he’s clearly taken on a far more radical tone in recent days, al-Sadr, aligned himself with both Hamas and Hezbollah, which is a sort of terrorist alignment. You can’t get more terrorist than Hamas and Hezbollah. And then this last sentence, ‘So, it creates its own set of needs in order to deal with the possible, you know, future spread of terrorism.’ Uh, I’m speechless. I must tell you, I don’t like laughing at this, but it’s hard not to. One more sound bite, same show. Kerry has just said, and we’re joining this in progress, Kerry has just said, ‘I think the June 30th deadline is a fiction.’ And the host says, ‘Well, what’s the alternative to that? I mean you just continue an occupation?’ And Kerry interrupts with this.

KERRY: The alternative to that is to get off your high horse and begin to show a little humility and begin to share responsibility and share risk and ask the world to come to this effort. The world has a legitimate effort, a legitimate interest in not having a failed Iraqi state. The world has a legitimate interest in beating back terror, and it is astonishing to me that given the legitimacy of that interest, this administration has managed to proceed so unilaterally. There are so few allies who are genuinely there both in serious numbers of troops taking risks and serious amounts of money committed to this.

RUSH: Okay, thanks, he just insulted the Brits, he just insulted the Italians, he just insulted the Spanish, who are still there, and besides that, senator, the president gave the UN and the world how many chances to join us? Fourteen months, senator, this administration was at the United Nations attempting to get your favorite nation, France, and apparently your second favorite nation, Germany, to join us. But, oh, no, they were too busy protecting their oil bribes from Saddam and their involvement in the oil-for-food program to dare risk it by joining us. He asked the world. We can’t wait for the world, senator. And you’re a little late yourself saying all of the sudden we’ve got to do something about terrorism. You just said in a previous answer that we can’t shut down terrorist voices. Now all of the sudden you want to kill them and wipe them out, but you don’t want to do it unless the world is with us? Show me where the UN has any track record or success in this. This is just absolutely pathetic, it is pathetic thinking, it’s pathetic reasoning, and it is lame, folks, it’s somebody out of the game, where the action kicks up trying to get in the game and make it sound like he’s got an idea, but he never has had a plan, not a workable one, it is really pathetic.

I want to express my condolences to all of you Democrats who nominated this man and had no idea who you were nominating. I know that you are beside yourselves now with disbelief and dismay. It’s what you get, it’s what you get for falling pray for the old cascade trick. You should have stuck with Dean. You should have stuck with Dean.
RUSH: The Democratic Party, which gave America the proud legacies of men like Harry Truman and Henry Scoop Jackson, poised to nominate for president a man who either doesn’t understand the struggle against radical Islam or blindly went trolling for votes from a radical Islamic organization.

To set this up, do you remember it was some weeks ago now, the news hit that Kerry had sent the Iranians a letter. Somebody in the Kerry campaign — and we don’t know if this was true. As a matter of fact I remember saying when I first heard this, folks, let’s not jump to our guns on this. I mean, at the time I said this sounds like it could be a gag. But he sent the Iranians a letter. What was the — do you remember the letter? The letter basically said, “look, just sit tight and everything going to be okay once we get rid of Bush.” And I said, this is just too easily done, this is too easily fabricated, too easily a joke; nobody in the Kerry campaign would be stupid enough to do this. But then all these foreign leaders talk began, that Kerry is saying he’d been talking to these foreign leaders and they were saying, gee, you gotta beat Bush, you gotta get this guy out of there, world needs to be made safe again, and he was asked to name them, and he wouldn’t. The North Koreans said, hey, it’s not us. And then some Islamofascist anti-Semite over there in Malaysia said I endorse Kerry. I will. And Kerry said, all right, sent out a press release around the world saying all you foreign leaders we’re not accepting your endorsement at this time.

So I’m rethinking this letter, this note that was sent from somebody, wasn’t from Kerry personally, but somebody from the Kerry campaign as I remember it to the Iranians. Well, here’s from the Washington Times lead editorial today. “In December, when John Kerry was badly trailing Howard Dean Kerry spoke at the annual convention of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, MPAC, which is an anti-Semitic organization that has defended infamous terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah.” Now, can we go back, let’s go back to audio sound bite number 5, shall we? I’m sorry, number 6, that will help to explain this. This is Senator Kerry attacking the president for shutting down al-Sadr’s newspaper. Was asked this by NPR this morning. Question again, President Bush says al-Sadr defiance can’t stand. What should the U.S. do?

KERRY: Well, uh, it’s interesting to hear that when they shut the newspaper that belongs to a legitimate voice in Iraq — well, let me change the term legitimate.

RUSH: Flip-flop.

VOICE: — newspaper belongs to a voice.

RUSH: Flip-flop.

KERRY: Because he has clearly taken on a far more radical tone in recent days —

RUSH: He’s talking about al-Sadr.

KERRY: — and aligned himself with both Hamas and Hezbollah which is a sort of terrorist alignment.

RUSH: Stop the tape. So Hezbollah and Hamas are sort of — when al-Sadr aligns with Hamas and Hezbollah, it’s sort of a terrorist alignment, right? All right. Well, in December, “Kerry spoke at the annual convention of MPAC, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, an anti-Semitic organization that has defended the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah. Addressing the Long Beach, California, audience by telephone, Mr. Kerry told the crowd, quote, he really wants to earn support of muscles leaders across the United States. He appealed to the crowd by strongly implying the Bush administration is not protecting the First Amendment rights of Muslims.”

Well, it sort of puts into context his initial inclination here to trash our effort to put this newspaper, this terrorist newspaper out of print. We’re trashing their First Amendment, even though they don’t have a First Amendment over there yet, we are trashing their First Amendment. He’s defending these terrorists again, and he did it again in December. That’s why I’m going back to this. He said, I believe this administration, moving our country radically wrong direction and cynically exploiting people in the country has forgotten some of the heart of the Constitution of the United States, yeah, of America, yeah, yeah, “On the day of the September 11th attacks, MPAC — this is again, the Muslim Public Affairs Council — MPAC’s executive director and cofounder, Salam Al-Marayati, wasted no time launching into an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. He said on a Los Angeles FM radio station, we should put on the state of Israel on the suspect list. MPAC has also defended the actions of terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah. Mr. Al-Marayati, in a speech University of Pennsylvania in 1997 lauded Hamas’ social and educational operations.”

So here he’s defending these groups and telling these people that George Bush is out to deny them their constitutional rights. He’s defending these terrorists. This puts audio sound bite number 6 in a greater perspective or context for me. Why he would immediately zero in on how we are somehow cheating to shut down a terrorist newspaper that’s working up all this unrest and insurgency against U.S. troops? We’ll be back. And the question of the Washington Times, is this just inept or is it ignorance? Doesn’t matter. It’s a distinction without a difference. He’s John Kerry, folks, and that’s all you need to do. It’ll answer every question you have.

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