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RUSH: I don’t care. The others aren’t running for president. Look, this is a neat trick. This is a neat question. And I just went along with your premise for the sake of the fact that I’m a polite host. But here’s the bottom line. Your question is, “If JFK is elected, will I still attack him?” I don’t attack. I defend. I defend myself, and I defend the people I support when they are under assault, when they’re being lied about, when they’re being tarred and feathered, when they are being trashed, that’s what I have done throughout my career and that’s what I will always do. I am preemptive when it comes to predicting what liberals are going to do, but I’m always right, so how is that trashing them? I’m just warning people.
You know, I’m like Paul Revere riding through the media wilderness here, warning everybody. Look, yes, I’ve been preemptive and I’m proud of my preemptions because my preemptions are good, they work. But, yeah, the premise of his question is am I just going to start savaging John Kerry? What I do is in the arena of ideas, political ideas. I stand up for what I believe in, and if I think somebody is wrong I’m going to say so.
But, here’s the real point, my friends. It is March the 30th, 1:26 in the afternoon. We’ve got this gentleman’s call. Make a note, because I don’t know, whenever Kerry announced for the White House in January of 2003. So from January of 2003 to March 30th of 2004 up to 1:25 we’d never had one call supporting John Kerry. We now have. We’ve made history. Well, yeah, I’m making a stretch here. It really wasn’t a pro-Kerry call, it was an anti-Rush call, but the guy is still planning on Kerry
being in the White House. I mean, I haven’t heard one of those guys.
I have not heard a call from, “he’s going to win, you know, and when he does…” well, that’s what this was. Even though he said “if,” he’s hoping. But this is clearly a pro-Kerry call, he started defending his $87 billion stupid vote, or lack of vote. What did he do, he voted both ways, and the caller was defending that. Defending both votes. And so it’s a history-making day, I’ve been asking for this, I’ve been taunting liberal Democrats nationwide, “please, can you give me one caller, just one who actually supports and has an affection and an energy behind John Kerry?” And I still don’t think we’ve gotten the affection and the energy call yet. But we do have Greg in Phoenix who called on his cell phone which costs him some money, that counts too. People that use cell phones, it’s an 800 number, they still have to pay. It’s easy for us to track cell phone calls if we have to get back at people, but nevertheless, and he took that risk as well. So we’ll give it to him, we’ll call him the first pro-John Kerry call in 15 months of the presidential campaign. It’s a big red-letter day here, folks. We’re happy now.

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(…Rush’s John F. Kerry Stack of Stuff packed with quotes, flips & audio!)

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