Regional Warming

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 15,2004

We used to call that weather, as the Globe points out: “While some may consider this a good old-fashioned winter, it bears little resemblance to those of the fifties or sixties. Scientists and policymakers alike…” <gasp!> “…are concerned that carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels are having an increasingly significant impact on our region and the global climate. A conference beginning today at Suffolk University Law School and organized by the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers highlights…”
Who would be the New England governors and eastern Canadian premiers? Well, I guess it’s the real people. It just could be a bunch of Laundromat owners calling themselves that. “The conference will explore the environmental and economic dangers that a changing climate poses…” What this means is that they’re having a tough time selling global warming so now they’re going to try regional warming. It’s really getting screwed up in New England, is it not?

<*ICON*> Read Rush’s Original Coverage…
<a target=new href=”//home/eibessential2/april_28__1975_newsweek___the_cooling_world_.member.html”>(Environmentalist Wacko Update: April 28, 1975 Newsweek: “The Cooling World”)</a>