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I’ve talked about Linda Daschle on things like the bill that took over paying for airport security. It was a huge boon for the airlines, and Linda Daschle just happens to be a paid lobbyist for the airlines. This story is finally getting out in the mainstream press, with Deborah Orin writing about it in Thursday’s New York Post – and it should be, because Daschle says Bush ought to release every document on this Harken non-story. What a hypocrite! As Orin writes, “Daschle is pretty cozy with big business himself, since it’s a major source of his family income.”
In 2001 alone, Loral paid $460,000 to Linda Daschle’s firm for lobbying. L-3 Communications is an even hotter issue, and the conflict of interest there may well put the Daschles in danger. They hired Mrs. Daschle when airlines complained about buying L-3 bomb detectors to screen airline baggage because they were “inferior to a competitor’s.” But Linda Daschle fixed it up, as the Washington Post reported. So inferior machines, that never worked, are being used to screen baggage because of Linda Daschle’s lobbying – and the Daschle’s say we don’t have a right to see how much money they sold our security and airline safety for?

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