
Rush Limbaugh

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Carl Cameron had a story on the Fox News Channel website Tuesday that begins, “The midterm elections are only about six months away, and with the administration’s strong approval ratings, Democrats and their supporters are looking for ways to gain ground at the polls. But the new campaign finance reform law has made grassroots outreach more complicated and has some left-leaning groups scrambling as never before.
“Fox News has learned that dozens of election-year demonstrations criticizing Republicans and the president for ties to fallen energy giant Enron Corp. have been coordinated by a little-known group called the Progressive Donor Network. Documents show the network held a private conference in Washington earlier this month to discuss ways of raising and spending money when new campaign finance laws kick in after election day.”
Translation: The Democrats came up with this confounded law of campaign finance reform, and are now looking for ways to subvert their own law. Senator McCain and all the CFR supporters always said that money corrupts. The money comes flowing in, and voila, the people are automatically corrupted.

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