Deafness Has Its Fringe Benefits

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 11,2001

Nevertheless, I may not be able to hear new music, but I can remember all the great Mannheim Steamroller and other songs from when I could hear. I can reconstruct them in my mind. For instance, we played ZZ Top on Tuesday, and I knew just what the song sounded like. I also know how great the classic Mannheim Steamroller songs sounded from Christmastimes past. Now, although I can’t listen to this new CD, I hope all of you will enjoy it for me. I’d love to share my favorite music of the season with you in that way.
Now, I’m not complaining here, and I never do. I’m one of the luckiest people in the world. In fact, a lot of people ask me, “Rush, are there any benefits to not hearing?” Yeah. Now and then. I’m not suggesting that you should all give up hearing. But there are some upsides to not being able to hear. For example, do you know what I’ve realized? I love never hearing the phone ring. I had grown to hate hearing the phone ring, because I knew there was somebody on the other end of it.