New Nukes

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 25,2001

Here’s more news you won’t hear much about on the cable channels. Americans have grown slightly more comfortable with nuclear power over the past two years, an Associated Press poll suggests, with half – 50% – now saying they support using nuclear plants to produce electricity. This will not sit well with Barbra Streisand, Michael Douglas or Julia Roberts- despite the fact that they’re completely ignorant of the subject. It looks like the American classroom on nuclear power, the movie house, will have to gear back up.
According to the poll, supporters of nuclear power were significantly more likely than they were two years ago not to mind a nuclear plant close to their homes. The support for the nuclear option, now being considered by the Bush administration, was strongest among men and those older than 65.
Well, of course men don’t care as much about safety! They don’t have as much sensitivity. Their feelings are not fully developed. They’re only concerned about the economy and the financial aspects of getting rich – and, of course, people over 65 are senile anyway.