RUSH: This is Ann and Ed in Southern California. Welcome. It’s great to have you on the phone. Hello.
ANN: Hello.
ANN: Hi, Rush. How are you?
RUSH: Just fine. Thank you very much.
ANN: Great. Well, we have some interesting news. My husband Eddie is on the phone with us. We live in Southern California, and we’re Catholic, active Catholics in our community, and there was a town hall meeting last evening, emergency meeting called by our local parish priest, ordered by our bishop (unintelligible) and the Archdiocese of San Bernardino. They have made the decision that they’re going to absorb the immigrants that are coming through because the federal government called the bishop’s office on Monday and they’re gonna be busing these immigrants to our communities and asking us to open our homes and to house them for up to a month. The church will reimburse us for any out-of-pocket expenses and we were told not to talk to anybody about it, especially the media. I’m not especially happy about it. My husband is a retired doctor, and he will share his concerns with you regarding this matter. Eddie, do you want to go ahead and talk about your thoughts?
EDDIE: Longtime listener, Rush. Thanks —
RUSH: Thank you, Eddie.
EDDIE: I’m very concerned about the health care crisis that we’re facing and these illegal aliens that are coming into the United States. Doctors are being asked not to talk to the media, they’re on gag orders, both doctors and nurses, and we got a big problem because there are a lot of diseases that can come through this border bringing all kinds of stuff —
RUSH: Eddie, I just read that in some cases the lice are so bad you can see them crawling down the faces of some of the kids.
ANN: Yeah, the lice won’t kill you, but Ebola will, and so will gonorrhea and there’s syphilis and AIDS and hepatitis and diphtheria and polio, meningitis, and this new coronavirus coming in from the Middle East, so —
RUSH: Hang on. I gotta take a break. Hold your thought and we’ll continue after the break.
RUSH: We rejoin Ann and her retired doctor husband, Eddie, on the phone jointly, together with us from Southern California. Eddie, could you put Ann back to the phone or is she on with you?
ANN: Yes. Hi. I’m here with you.
RUSH: Okay, Eddie, I’ll come back to you in just a second, but, Ann, I want to clarify. Did you say that it is the Catholic Church that the government called and asked for assistance?
ANN: Yes.
RUSH: Okay. And then the Catholic Church accepted and said, “Okay, we will,” at least the Catholic Church in your town. You haven’t identified where you’re from.
ANN: Yes.
RUSH: And then the bishop has asked you and the other parishioners to help pay for this, but you are not supposed to tell anybody this, which you’ve just done.
ANN: Yes. That’s what they asked us, not to get the media involved. The diocese will reimburse us for any out-of-pocket expenses.
RUSH: Now, wait. Because you’re gonna be asked to house some of them yourself?
ANN: Yes.
RUSH: Are you going to?
ANN: No. That’s why I’m calling. I’m letting people know this is not in the best interests. We have a FEMA — at Norton Air Force Base is a designated FEMA camp. This is an emergency. They need to go there.
RUSH: You know, that just frosts me. This whole thing, Air Force Bases, military bases are being turned into day care centers here. But that’s another thing. I don’t mean to distract you.
ANN: Yeah.
RUSH: Why did they tell you not to tell the media about this?
ANN: They don’t want a lot of people there at the churches when they busload these mothers and children.
RUSH: A-ha. Why do you think the Catholic Church accepted this?
ANN: We’re sympathetic and we want to help, but this is not always the best way to help. And the government created the problem; they should fix the problem.
RUSH: Exactly. Why do you think that your local Catholic Church is helping Obama and the government do this? I mean, this administration has targeted the Catholic Church.
ANN: I don’t know. I called the diocese in my community and made a request, and so they had a town hall meeting, emergency meeting last evening with a hundred people in attendance. I would say 70% of the people are on board. I’m on board in theory. And my husband, Eddie, can share his thoughts about the reaction far more articulate than I can, so I’ll let you express to Rush your thoughts.
EDDIE: Well, I just brought up the diseases that are coming through and the lack of screening that’s going on, Rush. I mean, we’ve got FEMA facilities that can provide medical care, housing, nutrition and clothing, safety and transportation and stabilize the situation so that these people can be reintegrated or be dealt with, but to put us and subject us to health care —
ANN: Risk.
EDDIE: — problems, risk, whatever you want to call it, seems to be an incompetence on behalf of the government when they themselves, these different agencies are not talking to each other. FEMA’s not talking to Homeland Security, and Homeland Security isn’t talking to the other agencies. To me there’s just a lack of coordination that’s going on between these bureaucrat, enormously bureaucrat institutions.
RUSH: Eddie, look. You have to forgive me here. I think I’m on a different wavelength. And I don’t mean this question to be rude. But would this all be okay with you if there were more coordination?
EDDIE: No. But they’re coming in and we have to deal with this. We can’t — I mean, as Americans we can’t stop it.
RUSH: Well, see, that’s the nub of it. So they’ve got you.
EDDIE: Yeah.
RUSH: “They’re coming in; we’ve got to deal with it.” Okay, so they’ve won. It doesn’t matter what’s happened after they get in. Once they have coerced everybody into thinking that what they have to do is make it okay after they get here, there’s never gonna be an end to it.
EDDIE: That’s the big concern. They told us that this was gonna last for 30 days, but many of us are scratching our head going, “Thirty days? I just can’t believe that’s gonna be cast in concrete.” We know that it’s gonna go beyond 30 days, and it’s gonna go on and grow and grow and grow, unless this stops.
RUSH: Well, it isn’t gonna stop, because the government doesn’t want it to stop.
EDDIE: Exactly.
RUSH: There’s no effort to make it stop. There’s a lot of lip service in that direction. It’s understandable that when churches are called upon to be charitable, that they would do it. That’s actually a mart move on the part of the Regime. Not gonna have too many churches say “no” to a request for charity, but then they are turning around and asking parishioners to temporarily house some of these people, and you pay for it on the promise that you’ll be reimbursed.
EDDIE: Especially when there’s a FEMA facility literally 10 miles away. And it really bothers me when doctors and nurses are on gag orders not to talk about the health care risks of these immigrants coming through the border. We have to do this right. We need to protect the American citizens and it’s the duty of the government to do that, and they’re not doing it.
RUSH: Ed, let me remind you of something. The left in this country — and I don’t mean to politicize this, but they do, so let me respond in this way. The left in this country blames the original white European discoverers of this country with bringing in syphilis, racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia, environmental destruction. This is in the public school curriculum today. Young people are taught that this is what Christopher Columbus and the Pilgrims and all of the white Europeans who settled in this country and eventually founded it, they brought all this stuff in. So who are you, doctor, to complain about a little disease coming in because this is not the first time it’s happened. That’s what they would say to you if you called a liberal talk show, if you could find one, that’s what the host would say to you.
EDDIE: Yes. Unfortunately we have a health care system that’s bankrupt, that is being destroyed by Mr. Obama. And it can’t take on this burden.
RUSH: Well, it is.
EDDIE: It is.
RUSH: It is taking on this burden.
EDDIE: It is taking on this burden. And Dinesh D’Souza did such a great job in his movie — we saw it this last weekend — talking about how diseases had moved in Europe and with even the Indians, that they died mainly because of viruses and diseases coming in as things got repopulated. It wasn’t because there were soldiers killing Indians. It was literally because they were dying of disease. And we’ve got Ebola, Rush, that has moved from Africa to New Guinea and may be in Europe. What the heck are we going to do if we get an Ebola outbreak in the United States? We’re not prepared for this, and it’s a 90% mortality rate, that virus.
RUSH: Ed, do you really think that’s possible because of this? Do you think an Ebola outbreak is possible because of this or are you being maybe a little exaggerated in your caution here?
EDDIE: Well, I’m concerned, and I feel like the Paul Revere just waving the flag wanting to get us to take a look at this. And there’s a way to solve this with existing facilities that are already in place, that have medical clinics that have the ability to bring nurses and doctors in. Just screen —
ANN: And create jobs for Americans.
EDDIE: Yeah.
RUSH: I don’t believe I’m hearing that.
ANN: What’s that?
RUSH: This is a job creation opportunity?
ANN: Well, I’m just saying, if they open up these FEMA camps to house these illegal immigrants it will create jobs in the community where we live.
RUSH: Uhhh…
ANN: I don’t know.
RUSH: It’s complicated. It is truly complicated. The last thing I ever considered any of this to be was a job creation opportunity, but I thank you for presenting that perspective. In the meantime, you seem resigned to the fact that this has no end and that you have to come up with a way of making this as acceptable or manageable as possible, and it sounds like your primary concern here is that the people attempting to organize this repatriation or patriation of the refugees is not being done right.
ANN: Yes. That is the correct assessment. It was just Monday he got the call from the government. Tuesday we’re meeting, and Tuesday night everyone is saying “yes” and there hasn’t been much time to really think strategically and carefully about the ramifications of saying “yes.”
RUSH: Well, speaking of that, I mean, something I meant to ask your husband, Ed. Ed, are you still on the phone? I assume you are.
EDDIE: I am, yes.
RUSH: How can these people, the arrivees, be screened for illnesses and disease in the short time they’re in these processing centers?
EDDIE: You know, we were told that they went through two brief screenings. I don’t know what that entails, but you’ve got a great point. I mean, you can’t really do a thorough job —
RUSH: I don’t believe I’m even asking the question.
EDDIE: — in a McDonald’s type of fashion where you’re just running people through. You’ve got to spend the time doing proper testing to make sure that certain diseases are not coming through the border.
RUSH: Right. But they are. They are coming through —
EDDIE: But they are.
RUSH: — the border, that’s what you just said. Back to you, Ann. What is — I’ve never heard this term, either — what is a FEMA camp?
ANN: It’s federal emergency — what’s the E stand for?
EDDIE: Rush knows what FEMA is.
RUSH: I know what FEMA is, but what is a FEMA camp?
EDDIE: Well, it’s a FEMA facility, they’ve been established throughout the United States —
ANN: There’s like 600 of them, at least.
EDDIE: — in military bases that —
RUSH: So that’s why they’re calling this Obama’s Katrina. I thought this was —
EDDIE: Yeah.
RUSH: — the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
ANN: Correct.
RUSH: Right.
EDDIE: But Rush, isn’t this an emergency? Isn’t this a federal emergency, and shouldn’t FEMA be involved in this?
RUSH: It’s not an emergency. That’s the point. It isn’t an emergency. It is planned.
EDDIE: Yes, I agree. I agree it is planned, and I believe —
RUSH: It’s an emergency for you. It’s an emergency for people who live where you live, but this is not an emergency. This is payback. This is who knows what. This is political. This has a political objective for Obama and the Democrats. Obama’s not treating it as an emergency. Is he down there? They said Bush never flew over, didn’t go down to New Orleans for Katrina. Has Obama been there? Where’s Obama visiting the refugee FEMA camps? He’s not there. What emergency? He’s out raising money for more of this.
EDDIE: This is being done to overwhelm the government. The Cloward and Piven scenario, overwhelm the government, this is just part of his plan.
RUSH: Well, yeah. Yeah. Except it’s overwhelming you. It’s overwhelming the country. The government that results from this is what Obama wants. We were never set up to be able to provide for and handle limitless numbers of people who are unproductive. From everybody’s perspective, yeah, it’s an emergency the way you look at it. It’s an emergency for your neighbors. It’s an emergency for the doctors and everybody that has to deal with this. But it’s not an emergency. This is a number of things, but it’s not an emergency.
I defy anybody to tell me where the government’s treating it as an emergency. It’s an emergency where you are violating a church order by calling me and talking about it? That’s not an emergency. That’s something far worse. I appreciate your bravery. I’m glad you took the time to call. I’m a little long. I’ve gotta take a time-out here. But I’m stunned at what you’ve had to say. I’m also stunned at the attitude that you have about it, not being critical. I don’t mean to be critical. It sounds like you have accepted your fate, and now you’re trying to make the most of it, which I guess is all you can do. But that in itself to me equals victory for them.
RUSH: Well, folks, if you had any question… Do you know what’s going on? If you had any uncertainty or any doubt, let me explain it to you after the call from Ann and her husband, Eddie, the retired doctor. The idea here — and this is why I say this is not an emergency. It is for them, but it’s not an government emergency. It’s not an Obama emergency. This is not a problem for Obama and the Democrats.
The idea for them is to get as many people across the border and then transferred where they want them to live in this country as they can, as quickly as possible. That’s why gag orders are being issued. “Don’t talk to anybody in the media and tell ’em about the diseases! Don’t talk and tell ’em about anything to do with these arriving kids, or whoever else is also.” It’s not just kids, folks, the 300,000.
These are government numbers: 300,000 since April. It’s not just kids. So it’s clear here, from the Democrat Party standpoint, the idea is to get as many people here across the border and then transferred out all over the rest of the country where they’re going to live, as quickly as possible. FEMA might slow that down. Legitimate health inspections might slow that down. So you process ’em quickly.
You bus ’em, you fly ’em, and you do it before anybody really knows what’s happening. So far, only one little town in California even seems to be trying to stop this, and that’s Murrieta, California. Everywhere else they’re just saying, “What happened?” Well, they’re overwhelmed. They don’t know what to do about it. Think about what a perfect situation this is for the Democrats.
They are getting illegal alien single mothers with dependent children, who are even more certain to vote Democrat — and did you hear Eddie and Ann? They’ve already accepted it. The problem for them is not stopping it. The problem is dealing with it. So it isn’t gonna be long, folks, before this is just going to be accepted as “the new normal,” just like 8% unemployment or 12% or whatever, or everybody working part time.
The new normal.
This is what it is.
It’s also highly likely that Obama’s approval numbers in the Hispanic community might be on the rise as a result. So this is not an emergency.
This is mission accomplished.
RUSH: You know, look at how the numbers of illegals in this current influx has been quietly ratcheted up. When this first started, we were talking about, eh, a couple of thousand kids, maybe few hundred. Then it became a few thousand, and then it became 30,000, and then it became 50,000. Finally, we heard that there was a memo. We find a memo, a government memo sent in January.
There was a jobs posting. See if you remember this, ’cause we found it. It was a jobs posting memo by the federal government in January where they were looking for transportation and logistics companies to bid on jobs involving the transportation and resettling of 65,000 illegal immigrant children. This was back in January. We either had this news for you last week or the week before.
It was when we found that that we had our suspicions confirmed that this is not just happening, that this is not just some spontaneous invasion. Somebody knew that this was gonna happen, and that they were planning for it, and they were seeking job applicants from transportation-logistics companies to be able to handle the “dispersion,” if you will, of these new arrivals. At any rate, that number was 65,000.
Now, over the weekend, the number shot up to 300,000 in the Drive-By Media. A New York Times story just cavalierly mentions that since April, 300,000 illegals have flooded the border. As I sagely pointed out yesterday, that is twice the size of the invasion force at the Normandy beaches on D-Day. The Allied forces had 150,000 soldiers invading Omaha Beach, Pointe du Hoc, Sword Beach, all that, the Normandy Beaches on D-Day.
This is 300,000, and it’s just in there in a Sunday story in the New York Times. As far as I know, only one tiny town in California even seems to be trying to stop it. That would be Murrieta, California. It seems that this circumstance is just being accepted, in the sense that there may be some people who are protesting to stop it, but it’s gone beyond that point now. The idea of stopping it doesn’t even seem to be a realistic expectation.
Everybody now is focused on, “Okay, what do we do with these people?” Look, I understand you just can’t ignore them and leave them to the wolves. Don’t misunderstand. But I don’t get the acceptance. I don’t get the idea that there’s no end to this. I understand what Obama’s doing. He’s trying to get Hispanic numbers up; he’s trying to put pressure on Republicans to vote for amnesty before the November elections.
I understand all of that.
I understand the politics of it.
On one side, I have a tough time coming to grips with the idea that there’s nothing that can be done. That’s just me. I admit, folks, I may be on a different wavelength than all these people. I think even if I lived where this were happening, my first question would be, “When is this gonna stop?” But maybe you don’t have time to ask that question when you’re surrounded by it.
Maybe there are other concerns that take precedence, which is probably part of the plan.