
Rush Limbaugh

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Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

May 11, 2018


“I very much am sensitive and aware of how desperately all of you want me to be right.”

“Everything Devin Nunes wants to see about the spy Obama planted in the Trump campaign, Trump could order declassified. Why doesn’t he do it?”

“Obama’s legacy was built on balsa wood. If Obama’s legacy really were attached to public opinion — meaning if the American people really, really liked what Obama had done — Trump would not be able to tear it apart. Trump would not have been able to get elected.”

“I am Rush Limbaugh, half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair so the media can keep up — and even when I do that, the odds are they’re not gonna keep up.”

National Review: State Department: Iran Deal Is Not ‘Legally Binding’ and Iran Didn’t Sign It – Joel Gehrke
NewsdBusters: Unhinged Colbert: Iran Deal Was ‘An American Promise’ and a ‘Treaty’
Washington Post: Nunes Sought All Documents on Person Described as Longtime Intelligence Source
Wall Street Journal: The Justice Hall of Mirrors. The Latest Intel Leak is Designed to Block a House Subpoena
Wall Street Journal: About That FBI ‘Source’ – Did the Bureau Engage in Outright Spying Against the 2016 Trump Campaign? – Kimberley Strassel
ABC: Special Counsel Probing Donations with Foreign Connections to Trump Inauguration
Rasmussen: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
The Hill: The Real Questions and Dangers of Criminally Charging the President
RealClearPolitics: John Brennan: Kim Jong-un “Manipulated” And “Duped” Trump
CBS Sacramento: West Sacramento Launching Controversial Program Watching Public’s Social Media Posts
CNET: Google Says It’s Designing Duplex with ‘Disclosure Built-In’
Bayou Brief: The True Story of Stormy Daniels Versus David Vitter
A Brief History of Another One of Stormy Daniels’s Brief Affairs

New York Times: ‘America Is Respected Again,’ Trump Says in Elkhart, Ind., a City Obama Once Championed
American Mirror: Maxine Waters Explodes on House Floor: I Resent ‘Making America Great Again’!
CBC: Anti-Semitism in Europe is Back, and Some Blame Recent Refugees for Fuelling It
Newsweek: Stormy Daniels Was Eyeing A Senate Run And Porn Star Planned To Use Slogan ‘Screwing People Honestly


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show:





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