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The North Carolina governor’s race was tight but when the dust cleared, Republican incumbent Pat McCrory was defeated by Democrat Roy Cooper.

So. Republicans, who control the state legislature, went into emergency session. They wrote legislation to limit the amount of power the incoming governor would have.

The law would cut the number of appointments the governor can make by 80% percent. Cabinet members he appoints would have to be confirmed by the Republican state senate. Authority for the state board of education will be transferred from the incoming governor to an elected superintendent, who happens to be a Republican.

Democrats and Republicans would “share power” over the state board of elections. During odd years, when there are no elections, a Democrat would chair the board; during election years a Republican will chair it.

Well. Liberals in North Carolina and beyond are spitting mad. They are “outraged.” Angry protesters were arrested for disrupting the emergency session, and the protests continue. They’re claiming they are being “disenfranchised.” The incoming Democrat governor is threatening lawsuits. The Drive-By Media is calling it a “coup.” They conveniently omit the fact that when a Republican was elected Lt. Governor in the 1980s, North Carolina Democrats in charge, stripped his powers.

This isn’t a coup, and voters aren’t being disenfranchised. This is politics. And this is what it looks like when Republicans have a spine. That’s all this is. and we’ll if it holds up. 

I kinda doubt it. 

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