RUSH: Folks, we have poll data out today that has shocked the Democrat Party. It has shocked the Obama media. It has shocked and depressed the Obama White House and the Obama media. Nothing is as it’s supposed to be. Now, I have been trying to tell you for the last month that Obama’s polling numbers with women are bad. They are in trouble, and that’s why all this is going on. It’s worse than even I thought. In the New York Times, Obama’s approval number is down to 41%! After all of this that was supposed to launch him to new heights! It is so bad, it is so funny, the Drive-By Media (for the first time that I can recall) is saying, “Well, these polls don’t matter.”
They are in utter denial. It’s their own poll, and it’s not just the New York Times. There is a Washington Post poll that’s just as shocking and just as devastating. There is other polling data along with news. A bunch of people are starting to look at the employment numbers (and/or unemployment numbers) that the regime is releasing and comparing it to the economic growth numbers, and some people are scratching their heads and saying, “Now, wait a minute. Okay, if we’re producing and creating all of these new jobs, where’s the growth? Where’s the economic growth? There isn’t any economic growth!” So everybody’s trying to figure this.
And I’ll help you out: The employment numbers being released are not legit. They’re not true. They’re not real. They’re fabricated; they’re massaged. The secret lies in the labor force participation rate: This country has lost two million-plus jobs since Obama was inaugurated. There are two million fewer jobs. Now, I don’t care how you want to report monthly unemployment applications and say that they’re coming down. Even with the “reduction,” there are still 370,000 people every month applying for unemployment. There are hundreds of thousands more who have given up. We’re not creating jobs, and yet everybody in the media and on the Democrat side has got themselves convinced ’cause they live in this virtual alternative reality.
They’ve got themselves convinced that the economy is growing, that we’re creating jobs. But if we’re creating jobs (remember, now, we’re still down 370,000 a week if not more), then where’s the economic growth? And where’s the tax revenue? Where’s all the tax revenue from all this economic growth? Where’s all the income tax revenue from all these new jobs? And of course the media is out there, “Well, you can’t really trust these polls at this time of year. The polls are so volatile.” Folks, they have been shell-shocked, and I want you to be entirely confident of this. Here. Let me show you. Grab audio sound bite number one. This is from the period of March 4th through the 7th, one week ago, and this is the media celebrating the huge opportunity for Obama to win reelection on the so-called Limbaugh issue.
SALLY QUINN: Obama has just been given a huge gift by the Republicans, and by the Religious Right, and by Rush Limbaugh!
LZ GRANDERSON: It’s a gift to Democrats! (b-roll noise) This was a prime opportunity for him to step up as a leader and say, “What Rush Limbaugh said was bad.”
DON LEMON: Is this a gift to Democrats?
JACK CAFFERTY: The biggest gift to President Obama? Limbaugh’s comments!
JESSICA YELLIN: You know Democrats will say is: How could the President resist this opportunity?
TOM BROKAW: (newsroom noise) The more damage is done to the party, the more opportunities there are for the Democrats, like the Rush Limbaugh statements.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: (screaming) Over at team Obama, theyÂ’re smiling! President Obama’s great fortune!
BOB SHRUM: Obama was the big winner!
RUSH: That was a week ago, March 4th through the 7th. Now listen to a montage of media people yesterday, one week after launching this all-out attack on your host. It was a sure winner. It was gonna launch Obama and the Democrats, back to electoral success. What happened?
WILLIE GEIST: (depressing music) New ABC/Washington Post poll shows President Obama’s approval reversing.
CARLOS DIAZ: (music) President Obama’s disapproval rating now rising, too!
CARL QUINTANILLA: (music) … President Obama in a dead heat against Republican challengers.
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: President Obama is in a tie with both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.
F. CHUCK TODD: …the latest poll, which shows President’s approval rating dipping.
STUART VARNEY: Very strong disapproval of the President’s performance.
SCOTT PELLEY: The President’s job approval has fallen from 50% last month to an all-time low, now, of 41%.
SGT. SCHULTZ: A new poll has President Obama’s approval rating at an all time low.
LYNN BERRY: Fifty percent now say they disapprove of the way Mr. Obama is handling his job.
JOHN BERMAN: Fifty percent strongly disapprove, a dubious new high in his presidency.
RUSH: He has 41% approval one week after they were all doing handstands, one week after they were all celebrating the “Rush Limbaugh comment.” One week and Obama has hit all-time lows in his approval and all-time highs in his disapproval. And the media is telling itself, “Weeeeell, you know, these polls are ‘volatile.’ Weeeeell, you can’t really believe this stuff this time of year. Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah.” And this morning on Joe Scarborough’s show, Morning Joe, after listening to a bunch of media people make excuses for the New York Times and the Washington Post polls (which are bad news for Obama), Willie Geist had to put it all in perspective.
GEIST: We have four people who think it’s not a problem at all, that the president’s approval dropped ten points.
RUSH: Yeah. He’s listening to it and he doesn’t believe it. “We’ve got four people here who think it’s not a problem at all the president’s approval has dropped ten points.” He’s scratching his head and he’s warning people. Now, something about this New York Times poll. Before I tell you the something about it, let me give you the details from it. It’s by our old buddy Jim Rutenberg and Marjorie Connelly. The headline: “Obama’s Rating Falls as Poll Reflects Volatility.” By the way, there’s a great AP story that is tied to the two polls, the Washington Post/ABC poll and the New York Times/CBS poll. The AP story is all about how these events are out of Obama’s control.
“Analysis: Obama Tested by Events Outside Control.” Poor guy! Poor guy! All of this is happening because of events outside his powers. He can’t control what’s going on in the Middle East. He can’t control gas prices. He can’t control the failure of his new green energy programs. He can’t control the economy. Oh, poor guy! AP is just doing everything it can. It’s really something, even by AP standards. But here’s the story: “Obama’s Rating Falls as Poll Reflects Volatility — Despite improving job growth and an extended Republican primary fight dividing his would-be opponents, President Obama is heading into the general election season on treacherous political ground, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.”
Folks, this isn’t what was planned. You can hear the panic in the voice of the New York Times writers. You can hear the panic in the words of Mr. Rutenberg and Ms. Connelly. “At a time of rising gas prices, heightened talk of war with Iran and setbacks in Afghanistan, Mr. ObamaÂ’s approval rating dropped substantially in recent weeks … with 41% of respondents expressing approval of the job he is doing and 47% saying they disapprove — a dangerous position for any incumbent seeking re-election.” Now, remember one week ago they thought it was over. One week ago they thought, for one day, there was a Santa Claus.
Normally they don’t believe in Santa Claus, but they did that day. They thought I was finished. They thought you were vanquished and Obama was elevated to heights that would make him unbeatable. And don’t doubt me when I tell you they are in shellshock. And in the Washington Post poll, it has the information that: Hey, Obama’s not cutting it with women, either. Remember what I’ve always told you about the conventional wisdom: “Go the other way.” When the Washington conventional wisdom forms, do a 180; and more often than not you’ll be far more right, correct, accurate, than the conventional wisdom. Now, the Times fails to note that this is an all-time low for Obama in their poll.
But they’ve been pointing it out in other places in the Drive-By Media, in the Obama State-Controlled Media. It is an all-time low, this 41% approval number. Back to the New York Times story: “The poll provides a statistical reminder of how unsettled and unpredictable this yearÂ’s political landscape remains.” (snorts) “Just one month ago, Mr. Obama reached a critical benchmark by winning approval from 50% of Times/CBS News poll respondents, his re-election prospects lifting along with confidence that the nation was finally emerging from the aftermath of the Great Recession,” but it isn’t. And learned, informed smart people are starting to ask, “Wait a minute! You say jobs are being created and we’re down to 8.3% unemployment. Where is the economic growth?”
It just isn’t there.
Let me tell you something about the New York Times poll. Once again, just as the last New York Times poll we reported on, the respondents in this poll, two-thirds were “adults,” not “registered voters,” not “likely voters.” Two-thirds. The CBS/New York Times poll has found these profound drops in Obama approval ratings in virtually every group, across the board. No matter how they demograph this, no matter how they dice it — no matter what demographics, age-groups, gender separation they use — it’s across the board. Now, what’s significant about a poll only of “adults” is (statistically over time) that has been proven to mean that it’s a poll where two-thirds of the respondents don’t vote. It’s one of the ways that a pollster can play games with the results.
In this case, you have a poll of “adults.” If you don’t narrow it down to “registered voters” or “likely voters” (just “adults” at large) and you get these numbers, what it means is that his numbers among registered voters and likely voters are much worse than this poll is reporting. That’s been statistically documented in voter-only surveys. In other words, in polls where the sample is either “likely voters” or “registered voters,” Obama will run between 10 and 15 points worse than in a poll among “adults.” I’m not pulling this out of thin air; I’m not making it up. I don’t have to. It is Polling Statistics 101.
When the sample is “adults,” as opposed to being narrowed to voters (either likely or registered), if you take that sample of adults and you strip out the people who are not registered to vote or not likely to vote, the result is much worse. The only time the New York Times bothers to talk about “registered voters” was in their second article in the paper about this in which they claim Obama’s doing better with women and independents. It is the only area where they claim Obama’s doing well, and that is with registered voters. They only talk about independents and women. They leave out all the other stuff. They don’t talk about approval, disapproval, or any of that. They’re desperate to find one shred of evidence or an example where all this basically ginned-up stuff that’s happened this past week has paid off.
They can’t find it. It doesn’t exist. In the Washington Post/New York Times poll, it doesn’t exist. In fact, there’s a…. Did I X this out or not? I can’t find it right now. The NAG convention was over the weekend somewhere in New Orleans, the National Association of Gals. (interruption) Wait, you don’t think I’m gonna get in trouble for that, do you? They’re all worried in there shaking their heads. The NAGs. The National Association of Gals. It’s our pet name for the NOW gang! Anyway, the president of the NOW gang was speaking to the assembled NAGs at the convention and laughing about what I had done, laughing about what a great “godsend” it was. They’re not offended, folks. They’re not outraged. They’re not upset over the moral depravity of any of it.
They’re happy. They’re clapping their hands.
It was a “godsend.”
Except today they’re not because it backfired.
It didn’t work.
RUSH: Rush Limbaugh, EIB’s gift to Barack Obama. And with a few more “gifts” like this, try to imagine how low Obama’s approval numbers will be then. In the CBS News poll, there is this question: “Compared to four years ago, is your family’s financial situation better today, worse today, or about the same?” Eighty percent (this is unheard of in a poll) say they are not better off than four years ago. Twenty percent say that they are better off today. (They’re all Democrats.) Thirty-seven percent say they’re worse, and 43% say they’re about the same. But 80% say they’re not better off. The women of America want jobs and an expanding economy.
They are not obsessed with birth control pills being passed out on campus or wherever anybody happens to want them.
The regime calculated they could create this mythical Republican war on women, and look where they are: 41% approval and 80% say they are not better off than four years ago. The media is saying, “Well, these polls are volatile. You really can’t just look at one poll to figure things out.” But when Obama’s approval jumps or whether something else happens in an isolated poll, they run with it. Isolated unemployment number released that looks good? They run with it. “The whole economy’s coming back!”
RUSH: Now back to the polling data. As I say, in the New York Times/CBS poll you could almost hear the panic as you read the words off the page. This is an all-time low for Obama: 41% approval. It’s an all-time low. They don’t mention that in the story, and you notice also here that Obama has such poor approval numbers even though two-thirds of those polled think the economy’s getting better. Two-thirds of this poll think the economy is getting better, because they’re following all of the garbage that’s being reported in the mainstream media. They are confused.
People are saying, “Okay, uhhhh, we’re being told the economy is roaring back and growing back and all these new jobs are being created, but where is the growth and where is all the new tax revenue?” We had the largest deficit in the history of this country in the month of February. It’s only 29 days! The largest deficit, monthly deficit in the history of the country. Where’s the economic growth? Where’s the tax revenue? If there was economic growth we wouldn’t have had the largest deficit in American history. Now, the Times tries to pin Obama’s downturn on rising gasoline prices, and on the ignorant 54% of poll respondents who believe a president can do a lot to control gas prices.
Fifty-four percent in the poll believe the president “can do a lot to control gas prices.” Now, why would they think that, folks? Why would 54% of the American people think that? You want to know why? Because during the eight years of George W. Bush the media and the Democrat Party spent practically every day blaming Bush for the price of gasoline and for everything else that they dreamed up or imagined was bad or going bad. So it’s after eight years of the Drive-By Media — sycophants for the Democrat Party, willing accomplices — attacking George W. Bush for high gas prices. And let’s not forget the Democrat Party itself with John F. Kerry (who served in Vietnam, by the way), and every one of these other Democrats out there saying, “Bush has gotta do something about gas prices!
“He’s gotta meet with the Saudis! He’s gotta do something. He can’t drill, though! No, no, no, can’t drill. But we got a problem here with Iran.” Do you realize how incompetent Obama sounds when he talks about why we can’t drill? “Well, we can’t drill. It’d take two to three years, but the reason I’ve got my hands tied here is because of Iran.” Well, okay, so let’s get our own domestic supply. “Nope, can’t drill. That’d take too long. Keystone pipeline? No, the pipeline could pollute the land with the oil. Nope, can’t do it.” So, on the one hand, Obama blames Iran, blames the Middle East “instability” for the high price of gasoline and oil. While at the same time denying, refusing the opportunity presented to him to do anything about it.
Does he not know how ignorant he sounds?
Fifty-four percent of the people in this poll, 54% believe a president can do a lot to control gas prices. Now, the New York Times tries to portray that 54% as a bunch of stupid ignoramuses, as opposed to the enlightened 36% who understand that gasoline prices are way beyond the president’s control. Yes. Thirty-six percent of the people in the New York Times poll are smart. They get it: There’s nothing a president can do — unless he’s a Republican, and then he can do everything, but he doesn’t do anything because the president (if he’s a Republican) wants people paying ten bucks a gallon so that he and his Republican buddies who own the oil companies can reap windfall profits!
See, that’s how the game is played. Republicans want a bad economy. They want you paying $10 a gallon because they are all invested in oil. And Dick Cheney, of course, ran Halliburton. That’s the cross to Dracula the New York Times reporters Jim Rutenberg, Marjorie Connelly also explain “how unsettled and unpredictable this year’s political landscape is.” In fact, you know what? This story in the New York Times accompanying the poll almost seems to be apologizing for their own results. Rutenberg and Connelly seem to be basically being apologizing to their readers and to the administration for these poll results. For example, they say, “Yet, polls capture only a particular moment in time, and can be influenced by the way questions are asked or the mix of people who are surveyed.” (laughing)
They are basically questioning the credibility of their own poll in their effort to apologize for it. That tells me the numbers are actually worse than what’s been reported. Don’t doubt me on this. The last sentence of the New York Times piece is telling: “In recent weeks, there has been much debate over the governmentÂ’s role in guaranteeing insurance coverage for contraception, including for those who work for religious organizations. The poll found that women were split as to whether health insurance plans should cover the costs of birth control and whether employers with religious objections should be able to opt out.” Notice we don’t hear any of the details of how women are “split” on this issue, but it’s clear it’s not what the Obama campaign and the New York Times had hoped for.
Go back to audio sound bite number one. Let’s listen to this again. This is a week ago as they are salivating over this whole Limbaugh thing, gonna launch Obama back to unbeatable positions.
SALLY QUINN: Obama has just been given a huge gift by the Republicans, and by the Religious Right, and by Rush Limbaugh!
LZ GRANDERSON: It’s a gift to Democrats! (b-roll noise) This was a prime opportunity for him to step up as a leader and say, “What Rush Limbaugh said was bad.”
DON LEMON: Is this a gift to Democrats?
JACK CAFFERTY: The biggest gift to President Obama? Limbaugh’s comments!
JESSICA YELLIN: You know Democrats will say is: How could the President resist this opportunity?
TOM BROKAW: (newsroom noise) The more damage is done to the party, the more opportunities there are for the Democrats, like the Rush Limbaugh statements.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: (screaming) Over at team Obama, theyÂ’re smiling! President Obama’s great fortune!
BOB SHRUM: Obama was the big winner!
RUSH: Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm! And in the New York Times here it says: “The poll found that women were split as to whether health insurance plans should cover the costs of birth control and” blah, blah, blah, blah. They don’t tell us what the “split” is. It wasn’t a big winner for ’em. It didn’t work out the way they all envisioned. It didn’t and hasn’t worked out the way they had all hoped. Grab audio sound bite number two again. You just heard one week ago the excitement, the thrill, the anticipation: “Limbaugh’s finished! We’ve got the women back! We’re marching on to victory! It’s a done deal!” Now, a week later, and the New York Times and the CBS poll along with the Washington Post poll are out, and it doesn’t look good.
WILLIE GEIST: (depressing music) New ABC/Washington Post poll shows President Obama’s approval reversing.
CARLOS DIAZ: (music) President Obama’s disapproval rating now rising, too!
CARL QUINTANILLA: (music) … President Obama in a dead heat against Republican challengers.
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: President Obama is in a tie with both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.
F. CHUCK TODD: …the latest poll, which shows President’s approval rating dipping.
STUART VARNEY: Very strong disapproval of the President’s performance.
SCOTT PELLEY: The President’s job approval has fallen from 50% last month to an all-time low, now, of 41%.
SGT. SCHULTZ: A new poll has President Obama’s approval rating at an all time low.
LYNN BERRY: Fifty percent now say they disapprove of the way Mr. Obama is handling his job.
JOHN BERMAN: Fifty percent strongly disapprove, a dubious new high in his presidency.
RUSH: Now, the Weekly Standard, John McCormack has a piece on this. The “split” of women on the birth control issue is 21%. “By 21-Point Margin, Americans Oppose Birth Control Mandate.” That’s the “split” that the New York Times would not specify in its poll. Women were divided on whether or not the government should tell religious organizations to provide… Women were divided? Yeah. The split was a huge loser for them by 21%!
RUSH: Here’s the number, because 21% doesn’t mean much. Let me put it in perspective for you. In the New York Times poll, by a 51-to-40% margin, Americans support a religious or moral exemption for all employers on providing contraception. That’s a 21% margin. Let me put it this way: Americans 51-to-40 oppose Obama’s mandate for religious organizations to provide birth control and abortion related materials, 21% split, 51 to 40 oppose Obama. So the New York Times failed to report the two biggest items in its own poll. Obama’s approval at the lowest in history for him, his lowest ever: 41%. They didn’t mention that fact, and that the birth control mandate is wildly unpopular by 21% of the respondents in its own poll.
You talk about sins of omission. The Times apparently didn’t consider either of those details news that was “fit to print.” So all of last week not only didn’t work, it’s backfired. Now let’s move on in our remaining moments in this exciting busy broadcast segment for the Washington Post poll, which I’ll holding right here in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers. (shuffling paper) Headline: “Obama Fares Worse Among Women after Month-Long Contraception Mandate Battle.” This is a story that’s in the Weekly Standard. It’s by John McCormack. “How’s the great contraception mandate battle of 2012 playing out? If you read the Washington Post’s news coverage, the issue is supposedly killing Republicans among female voters.
“But the newest Washington Post/ABC poll tells a different story. During the first few days of February, about a week before Obama declared a so-called “accommodation” to the contraception/abortifacient mandate, a Washington Post/ABC poll showed Obama’s approval rating at 50%, with 46% of Americans disapproving. Then, from March 7 to 10 — a week into the national media firestorm surrounding Rush Limbaugh’s degrading remarks about Georgetown Law student and liberal activist Sandra Fluke — Washington Post/ABC conducted another poll. It found Obama’s approval rating at 46%, down four points from February, and his disapproval rating at 50%, up four points from February.”
So after a week — after a full week, last week — and all of that focus on the war on women (and Rush Limbaugh, your host) Obama lost ground with women. I can’t begin to tell you the dismay and the shock and probably panic that exists in the White House and in the salons of the elites in the Democrat Party over this. They didn’t even consider this a possibility. This never entered their mind. This was going to be the end not just of me, folks. This was going to be the end of talk radio. This was going to be the end of whoever the Republican nominee is and his chance to beat Obama. This was gonna end the presidential campaign! It was going to be over. “In February, Obama was leading Mitt Romney, 51% to 45% among registered voters. In March, Obama was trailing Mitt Romney, 47% to 49% among registered voters. … The bottom line is that it’s not clear at all that the fight over the contraception/abortifacient mandate has hurt Republicans.”
RUSH: So here’s the bottom line: I don’t think the Democrats would have had George Stephanopoulos bring up contraception in that January 7th debate if they had known things were gonna turn out like it is. They did their own version of Wag the Dog, the movie. This is Wag the Pill, and it has failed big time. They’re gonna have to ask themselves: Do they keep on with this? Do they defy the poll? Do they not believe it? Do they keep on with this war on women, keep attacking everything they were attacking last week? Or are they gonna have to find a new diversion from the economy so people don’t focus on how Obama’s failed there?
RUSH: Now, I was talking two different sets of numbers when I said there was a 21-point split; 50-40 is 11, not 21. Let me explain this. There are two sets of numbers on this, and they’re both because for Obama. There are two sets of numbers, polling numbers on Obama’s mandate that religious institutions and organizations must provide birth control and abortion-related stuff. There are two sets of numbers. For all employers, all employees, everybody, the split is 51-40 oppose Obama. That’s an 11-point split. Among religious employers, it is 57-36. That’s the 21-point spread. So in both sets of examples, all employers: 51-40 oppose Obama’s mandate. For religious employers it’s 57-36.
That’s the 21-point split.
RUSH: Now, again, there’s more in this John McCormack piece of the Weekly Standard about the Washington Post poll.
See, the Washington Post has two stories. They have a poll that shows that Obama is doing much worse among women after this contraception battle. Then they have a story by Karen Tumulty, and McCormack says, “[I]f you read the Washington Post’s report by Karen Tumulty this weekend on the GOP’s slide among female voters, you’d think the new mandate was a terrible issue for Republicans.” But what are Washington Post readers supposed to think? What are they supposed to think? Because the polling data shows Obama’s lost four points on this issue. His approval is down four and disapproval up four, after this intense week.
I remember all last week, I’m telling people privately, off the air, “This is going to backfire.” I mean, I even told you it’s all gonna backfire. They’re overreaching here. They always do. They go way too far. You couple this with the fact that they’re trying to spin this so-called massive increase in employment with economic growth, but there isn’t any economic growth. It’s like Stan Greenberg in his advice to Obama: Do not run around and talk about this virtual economy that’s roaring back. It won’t work for you because it isn’t happening, and people are not living it. Folks, we are a conservative country. We’re just told constantly that we are not, but we are a conservative country. Here it is again. Now, this is the Weekly Standard’s take on the New York Times poll.
The latest New York Times poll shows that President Obama’s approval rating has hit an all-time low. One month ago, 50% of Americans approved and 43% disapproved. Now, it’s 41% approve, 47% disapproval. But the new poll also shows Americans strongly support an exemption on the birth control mandate by 57% to 36% for religiously affiliated employers. And by 51% to 40%, Americans support. So they’ve lost. Not only did it backfire, it backfired so bad that Obama lost tremendous, humongous ground in approval numbers.